All Classes and Interfaces

The Codec interface exposes methods to provide the uniquely supported devices.
The CodecController is a rest controller that defines the endpoints.
The CodecExceptionsHandler is a custom exception handler.
The CodecMicroservice class mainly registers a device type when the codec microservice is subscribed.
The CodecMicroserviceApplication annotation should be used in the Main class of the Codec microservice to make it Spring Boot enabled.
A service to get and enter context to run tasks with.
Purpose of this class is to take care of authentication against platform of 1.
works with platform API >= 8.18
Implements a scope container.
The DeviceInfo class uniquely represents one device with the device manufacturer name, the device model.
Indicates that predefined context services are enabled.
Indicates that a /health endpoint is extended to give microservice health status.
Prepares environment to work with platform api.
Use @EnableMicroservicePlatformApi
Indicates that all the exposed endpoints other than /metadata requires base64 authorization and authentication.
Indicates the application can use microservice subscription interface and emits MicroserviceSubscription*Event events.
Indicates the application can use microservice tenant options to override file properties and define new.
The method must be prone to concurrent execution
A locking mechanism based on keys, where a lock is created per given key.
works OK with platform API older than 8.18
The LpwanCodecDetails class represents the fragment details that is added in the device type managed object which is created on the codec microservice subscription.
The LpwanDecoderInputData class represents the format and content of the request coming in for decoding a device data.
The LpwanEncoderInputData class represents the format and content of the request coming in for encoding a device command.
Runs spring-boot microservice application with configured Microservice SDK features.
A rest controller that exposes /refreshSubscriptions to force refresh of microservice subscriptions.
An event to be emitted with the microservice credentials of newly added microservice subscription.
An event to be emitted with the microservice credentials of newly removed microservice subscription.
A service which creates a scheduled task to fetch microservice subscriptions.
An event to be emitted when microservice subscriptions are initialized.
This service gets microservice subscriptions and notifies listeners for MicroserviceSubscription*Event events.
Defines a scope container.
Based on Spring Boot build information.