Class LpwanEncoderInputData

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, Serializable

    public class LpwanEncoderInputData
    extends EncoderInputData
    The LpwanEncoderInputData class represents the format and content of the request coming in for encoding a device command.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • LpwanEncoderInputData

        public LpwanEncoderInputData​(@NotBlank
                                     @NotBlank String sourceDeviceId,
                                     @NotBlank String sourceDeviceEui,
                                     @NotNull DeviceInfo sourceDeviceInfo,
                                     @NotBlank String commandName,
                                     @Null String commandData)
        Instantiates a new LpwanEncoderInputData.
        sourceDeviceId - the managed object id of the device
        sourceDeviceEui - represents the eui of the device
        sourceDeviceInfo - contains the information about the device such as Manufacturer or model and/or the supported commands of the device
        commandName - the name of the command to be encoded
        commandData - the text of the command to be encoded
      • LpwanEncoderInputData

        public LpwanEncoderInputData​(@NotBlank
                                     @NotBlank com.cumulocity.model.idtype.GId sourceDeviceId,
                                     @NotBlank String commandName,
                                     @Null String commandData,
                                     @NotNull Map<String,​String> args)
        Instantiates a new LpwanEncoderInputData.
        sourceDeviceId - the managed object id of the device
        commandName - the name of the command to be encoded
        commandData - the text of the command to be encoded
        args - represents the properties
    • Method Detail

      • getSourceDeviceEui

        public @NotBlank String getSourceDeviceEui()
        Gets the source device eui
        the source device eui
      • getSourceDeviceInfo

        public @NotNull DeviceInfo getSourceDeviceInfo()
        Gets the source device info that contains the information about the device such as Manufacturer or model of the device
        the source device info