_virtualScrollWindowStrategyFactory | ||||||||
_virtualScrollWindowStrategyFactory(windowDir: VirtualScrollWindowDirective)
Provider factory for
Parameters :
absoluteDateServiceFactory | ||||||
absoluteDateServiceFactory(datePipe: DatePipe)
Parameters :
addPolyfills |
alarmsCockpitRouteAndNodeConfig |
Returns :
alarmsDeviceManagementRouteAndNodeConfig |
Returns :
allEntriesAreEqual | |||||||||
allEntriesAreEqual(previous: Array, next: Array)
Parameters :
Returns :
fromFactories | ||||||||||||||||
fromFactories(factories?: Array, router?: Router, withFirstEmpty)
Parameters :
Returns :
fromTrigger | ||||||||||||
fromTrigger(router: Router, refresh, factories: Array)
Parameters :
Returns :
fromTriggerOnce | ||||||||||||
fromTriggerOnce(router: Router, refresh, factories: Array)
Parameters :
Returns :
getActivatedRoute | ||||||||
getActivatedRoute(router: Router)
Helper function to get the activated route in a service (as ActivatedRoute injection only works in components). Works as long as we only use a tree and no child is active at the same time.
Parameters :
Returns :
getInjectedHooks | ||||||||||||||||
getInjectedHooks(token: InjectionToken, injectors, type)
Parameters :
Returns :
hookGeneric | ||||||||||||||||
hookGeneric(items, token: InjectionToken, options?: Partial)
A generic function to be used by specific implementations of the HOOK concept.
Parameters :
A |
isExtensionFactory | ||||||
isExtensionFactory(obj: any)
Parameters :
Returns :
isPromise | ||||||
isPromise(obj: any)
Parameters :
Returns :
removeDuplicatesIds | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
resolveInjectedFactories | ||||||
resolveInjectedFactories(factories: Array)
Parameters :
Returns :
Array<T | [] | ExtensionFactory>
sortByPriority | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
stateToFactory | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
toObservable | ||||||
Converts any value provided to an Observable that emits this value once and then completes. A convenience method to represent all the data as Observables rather than a mixture of Observables and other types.
Parameters :
Returns :
toObservableOfArrays | |||||||||
toObservableOfArrays(factoryResult, withFirstEmpty: boolean)
Parameters :
Returns :
appendErrors | |||||||||
appendErrors(errors: ValidationErrors, newErrors)
Parameters :
Returns :
asyncValidateArrayElements | ||||||||
asyncValidateArrayElements(validator: AsyncValidatorFn)
Async version of validateArrayElements. Note that Angular by design doesn't execute async validators if synchronous validators returns any error.
Parameters :
Returns :
generateArrayRelatedErrors | ||||||
generateArrayRelatedErrors(errors: Array)
Parameters :
Returns :
validateArrayElements | ||||||||
validateArrayElements(validator: ValidatorFn)
This method can alter how validators work. It can be used in cases where there is need to validate FormControl that as value, takes array of elements. This allows to reuse validators, that works for such elements. For example if Validators.minLength(3) is used on control that takes string as value, validator will return error if string is less than 3 characters. If same is done on array of strings, validator will return error if array has less than 3 elements. validateArrayElements(Validators.minLength(3)) method makes it possible to check every member of array if it has minimum 3 characters. If there are elements that raise error, it will be possible to extract these errors using item index. As a example, this can be used for custom form elements, which manipulates array of elements, and there is need to display corresponding error messages for every array member that is displayed, while still using Angular's Validation approach. Errors that are generated by this helper are prefixed with 'INNER_ARRAY_ERROR_'. Reason for this is to prevent overwriting normal validation errors that could have same key
Parameters :
Returns :
authBridgeServiceFactory | ||||||||||||||||||
authBridgeServiceFactory(injector: any, basicAuth: BasicAuth, fetchClient: FetchClient, appState: AppStateService, tenantUiService: TenantUiService)
Parameters :
bridgeServiceFactory | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
bridgeServiceFactory(injector: any, appState: AppStateService, router: Router, ngZone: NgZone, routerService: RouterService, actionService: ActionService, plugins: PluginsResolveService)
Parameters :
c8yAlertDecorator | ||||||||
c8yAlertDecorator($delegate, $rootScope, $injector)
Parameters :
c8yNavigatorProvider |
c8yNg1HttpInterceptor | ||||||||
c8yNg1HttpInterceptor($q, c8yLoadingIndicator, c8yApiService)
Parameters :
c8yTitleDecorator | ||||||||||||||||||
c8yTitleDecorator($q, $delegate, $injector, $rootScope, $location, $templateCache, $compile, c8yHeaderService)
Parameters :
c8yUiRootController | ||||||||||||||
c8yUiRootController($rootScope, $timeout, c8yBase, c8yNavigator, c8yApplication, c8yHeaderService)
Parameters :
c8yValidationConfigFactory | ||||||
c8yValidationConfigFactory(translate: TranslateService)
Parameters :
c8yViewsProvider | ||||||||
c8yViewsProvider($routeProvider, c8yTabsProvider, c8yPathUtils)
Parameters :
cockpitWidgets | ||||||||
Instead add the `cockpitWidgetsExports` to the exports of your `cumulocity.config.ts`. | ||||||||
cockpitWidgets(excludeList?: Array)
Widgets module to be imported in your app module. The exclude list allows to exclude certain widgets.
Calls NOTE: The excluded widgets will still be part of your bundle. But as they are lazy loaded should not increase loading duration.
Parameters :
Returns :
An empty module with some providers. |
colorValidator | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
createBrandingForm | ||||||
createBrandingForm(formBuilder: FormBuilder)
Parameters :
createGenericBrandingForm | ||||||
createGenericBrandingForm(formBuilder: FormBuilder)
Parameters :
deviceManagementWidgets | ||||||||
deviceManagementWidgets(excludeList?: Array)
Widgets module to be imported in your app module. The exclude list allows to exclude certain widgets.
Calls NOTE: The excluded widgets will still be part of your bundle. But as they are lazy loaded should not increase loading duration.
Parameters :
Returns :
An empty module with some providers. |
encodeFiles | |||||||||
encodeFiles(model: ProviderProperties, fields)
Parameters :
Returns :
ensureAtLeastOneDatapointSelectedAndActive | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
escapeRegExpPattern | ||||||||
escapeRegExpPattern(pattern: string)
Parameters :
exactlyASingleDatapointActive |
Returns :
getAngularLocalesLanguageString | ||||||||
getAngularLocalesLanguageString(language: string)
Parameters :
Returns :
languagesFactory | ||||||
languagesFactory(options: OptionsService)
Parameters :
localeId | ||||||
localeId(appStateService: AppStateService)
Parameters :
localePathFactory | ||||||
localePathFactory(options: OptionsService)
Parameters :
getBasicInputArrayFormFieldConfig | ||||||
getBasicInputArrayFormFieldConfig(config: BasicInputArrayFormConfigInterface)
Generates simple array formFieldConfig
Parameters :
Returns :
FormlyFieldConfig[] |
getC8yMarker | ||||||||||||
getC8yMarker(marker, asset?: PositionManagedObject, event?: IEvent)
Parameters :
getChildrenForViewContext | ||||||
getChildrenForViewContext(context: ViewContext)
Parameters :
Returns :
getViewContextRoutes | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
getDictionaryWithTrimmedKeys | ||||
We want to have translation keys unified, so they don't contain unnecessary spaces and line breaks. This way we can dynamically build keys from HTML, and match them to extracted string, that might be HTML as well.
Parameters :
trimTranslationKey | ||||||
trimTranslationKey(key: string)
Returns a trimmed translation key. If the key contains HTML, it also removes all whitespaces. The reason behind it is that by default Angular compiler removes whitespaces from adjacent inline elements, which prevents ngx-translate from finding a matching entry in the dictionary.
Parameters :
getRemoteTestingModule | ||||||
getRemoteTestingModule(providers, providersSubModule?)
Parameters :
Returns :
gettext | ||||||
gettext(str: T)
Identity function used for marking strings for translation
Parameters :
Returns :
gettextCatalogDecorator | ||||||||
gettextCatalogDecorator($delegate, $interpolate, c8yTranslate)
Parameters :
globalAutoRefreshLoading | ||||||
globalAutoRefreshLoading(globalRefreshService: WidgetGlobalAutoRefreshService)
Parameters :
Returns :
groupTypesHierarchyNavigatorDecorator | ||||||
groupTypesHierarchyNavigatorDecorator($delegate, $q)
Parameters :
hookAction | ||||||||||||
hookAction(actions: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
A hook to add an action using the multi-provider extension concept. You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookActionBar | ||||||||||||
hookActionBar(items: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
A hook to add ActionBarItems using the multi provider extension concept. You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookBreadcrumb | ||||||||||||
hookBreadcrumb(breadcrumb: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookComponent | ||||||||||||
hookComponent(components: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
A hook to add dynamic components to the UI (e.g. widgets). You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookWidget | ||||||||||||
hookWidget(components: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
Hook to add dynamic widget components to the UI. You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
A widget specific alternative to
Parameters :
isEagerDynamicComponents | ||||||
isEagerDynamicComponents(componentDefinition: DynamicComponents)
Parameters :
Returns :
isLazyDynamicComponents | ||||||
isLazyDynamicComponents(componentDefinition: DynamicComponents)
Parameters :
Returns :
hookDataGridActionControls | |||||||||
hookDataGridActionControls(action: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide a service that implements
Parameters :
hookDeviceListColumns | |||||||||
hookDeviceListColumns(columns: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
A hook to override the default device grid columns configuration in
Parameters :
hookDeviceRegistration | ||||||||||||
hookDeviceRegistration(registration: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookDocs | ||||||||
hookDocs(doc: GenericHookType)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
Parameters :
hookDrawer | ||||||||||||
hookDrawer(drawer: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide a Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookDynamicProviderConfig | ||||||||||||
hookDynamicProviderConfig(config: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookFilterMapper | ||||||||||||
hookFilterMapper(mapper: HookValueType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to using
Parameters :
hookListBulkType | ||||||||||||
hookListBulkType(type: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookNavigator | ||||||||||||
hookNavigator(nodes: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookOptions | ||||||||||||
hookOptions(options: GenericHookType, hookOptions?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookPatternMessages | ||||||||||||
hookPatternMessages(patterns: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookRoute | ||||||||||||
hookRoute(route: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookSearch | ||||||||||||
Please don't use the search factory. It will be refactored soon. | ||||||||||||
hookSearch(search: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookService | ||||||||||||
hookService(extensionKey: T, service: Type)
Registers a service using a specified extension key. This function facilitates dynamic service registration, enabling services to be retrieved and used throughout the application based on their extension key.
Parameters :
hookServiceStatus | ||||||||||||
hookServiceStatus(status: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
Extension hook allowing to register custom service statuses and configure their visual presentation. You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookStepper | ||||||||||||
hookStepper(step: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookTab | ||||||||||||
hookTab(tabs: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookVersion | ||||||||||||
hookVersion(versions: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
hookWizard | ||||||||||||
hookWizard(wizard: GenericHookType, options?: Partial)
A hook to add wizard entries. You can either provide a single
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or you provide an Service that implements
A typed alternative to
Parameters :
initializeServices | ||||||||||||
initializeServices(translateService: TranslateService, state: AppStateService, userPreferences: UserPreferencesService)
Parameters :
isActilityConnection | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
isLoriotConnection | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
isSigfoxConnection | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
isBasic | ||||||
isBasic(tenantLoginOption: TenantLoginOption)
Parameters :
isOauthInternal | ||||||
isOauthInternal(tenantLoginOption: TenantLoginOption)
Parameters :
isFullScreenEnabled | ||||
Parameters :
toggleFullscreen | ||||
Parameters :
isValidReplaceDeviceStepState | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
loadBoxModel |
loadLocale | ||||
Parameters :
loadMonacoEditor |
loadOrbitControls |
Dynamically imports the OrbitControls of three js.
Returns :
A Promise of OrbitControls (three js). |
loadPhoneModel |
loadThree |
Dynamically imports three js.
Returns :
A Promise of three js. |
mapToSourceValueObject | |||
Parameters :
Returns :
literal type
memoize | ||||||
Decorator to memoize function results.
Parameters :
minOneDatapointActive |
Returns :
registerTranslateExtension | |||||||||
registerTranslateExtension(translate: TranslateService, parser: TranslateParser)
Parameters :
retryWithDelay |
retryWithDelay(delayTime: number, count: number)
Returns :
RolesServiceFactory | ||||
Parameters :
rootScopeCommandTemplateFactory | ||||||
rootScopeCommandTemplateFactory($injector: Injector)
Parameters :
rootScopeTypeDetailFactory | ||||||
rootScopeTypeDetailFactory($injector: Injector)
Parameters :
simpleJsonPathValidator | ||||||
simpleJsonPathValidator(control: AbstractControl)
Parameters :
Returns :
ValidationErrors | null
SmartRulesServiceFactory | ||||||
SmartRulesServiceFactory(injector: any)
Parameters :
SmartRulesUpgradeServiceFactory | ||||||
SmartRulesUpgradeServiceFactory(injector: any)
Parameters :
strToNumber | ||||
Transforms a string into a number (if needed).
Parameters :
Returns :
throttle | |||||||||
throttle(wait?, options?)
Decorator to throttle functions call.
Parameters :
toProvider | ||||||
toProvider(provide: Type)
Parameters :
Returns :
uniqueInCollectionByPathValidator | ||||||||||||
uniqueInCollectionByPathValidator(collection: Iterable, path: string, comparator?)
Parameters :
Returns :
UserInventoryRolesFactory | ||||
Parameters :