AcceptedPropertyTypes |
ActilityState |
Action |
An action is a global operation which you can add to the plus sign in the upper right corner or any custom component added to the header. |
ActionFactory |
Factory to implement if used in a hook for Multi Provider extension. |
ActionBarFactory |
Factory to implement if used in a hook for Multi Provider extension. |
ActionBarItem |
An action bar item is a action in scope of a current route of the application. |
ActionControlFactory |
Factory to implement in order to add action controls from an extension. |
FilterPredicateFunction |
A filter predicate function. |
PartialFilterChipGenerationType |
Represents a partial filter chip with required properties 'displayValue' and 'value'. |
PartialFilterChipRemovalType |
Represents a partial filter chip with either 'columnName' and 'externalFilterQuery' or 'columnName' and 'filterPredicate'. |
ServerSideDataCallback |
A callback function to fetch server data. |
ServerSideDataResult |
Describes a result from server with data and additional statistics. |
SortOrder |
Sorting order: ascending, descending, or not specified. |
ActionExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory which allows to define a get() function. This function gets called on each navigation with the current route and can return values async (observable or promise). Example :
Aggregation |
AggregationOption |
Represents the available aggregation options. Aggregation 'none' is not handled by our backend. |
AggregationOptionStatus |
Represents the status of aggregation options. Used to determine which aggregation options should be disabled. |
AlarmCount |
AlarmListFormFilters |
AlarmListIndicator |
AlarmNavigationOptions |
Represents the navigation options for an alarm component. |
AlarmSeverityIcon |
AlarmStatusIcon |
CustomFragment |
SelectedAlarm |
WidgetTimeContextStateExtended |
AlarmDetails |
AlarmOrEvent |
AlarmOrEventBase |
EventDetails |
OmitSelectorProperties |
The configuration for the alarms-events selector modal if some properties should be omitted. |
TimelineType |
TimelineTypeTexts |
AlarmFilterInterval |
Interval |
AlarmListRefreshOption |
AlarmOrderType |
LegacyAlarmListConfig |
SelectedDevice |
AlertDismissalData |
AlertType |
AllowTypeDashboard |
DashboardChildrenState |
Object representing state of dashboard widgets. Its main purpose is to allow to undo and redo changes applied to dashboard children. |
DashboardDetailsTabs |
DashboardGlobalRoles |
AppFilterProps |
FilterPipe |
PackageFilters |
ApplicationState |
ArrayValidationErrors |
ArrayValidationErrorValue |
AssetPath |
Asset paths. |
AssetTypes |
GroupIcon |
GroupIcons |
MoTypes |
BrandingCSSVarsForm |
BrandingCSSVarsValues |
BrandingFormKeys |
BrandingFormTopLevelKeys |
BrandingFormTopLevelKeysToUnpack |
BrandingFormValue |
BrandingOptionsJson |
NotUnpackedTopLevelFormKeys |
ParamIntersection |
TopLevelForm |
TopLevelFormKeysNotToUnpack |
TopLevelValues |
UnpackedTopLevelFormKeys |
BreadcrumbExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory which allows to define a get() function. This function gets called on each navigation with the current route and can return values async (observable or promise). Example :
BreadcrumbFactory |
Factory to implement if used in a hook for Multi Provider extension. |
BreadcrumbItem |
A crumb of the breadcrumb. |
C8yMarker |
C8yMarkerAttributes |
ClusterMapConfig |
MapConfig |
MapStatusButtonsConfig |
RequireOnlyOne |
CanEditConfig |
Checkbox |
Color |
ColorVariableName |
ColumnHeader |
Represents a merged export column header, e.g. 'Temperature - 5 -> c8y_Temperature.T [ºC] (max)' |
ColumnValueMap |
Represents a mapping of column headers and their corresponding values. e.g. 'Temperature - 5 -> c8y_Temperature.T [ºC] (max)': 25 |
DatapointsValuesDataMap |
Represents a mapping of datapoints series values. The key of the map is a source, and the value is the value data from requested series. |
ExportedFile |
FileCompressionTypes |
MergedExportDetails |
Represents the details unique for a merged file. |
MinMaxValues |
Represents the min and max values for a specific timestamp. Both min and max values are available only when using series API. |
ReadingValue |
SourceId |
TimeRangeInterval |
Represents supported interval units and also the possible periods of time for predefined ranges. |
TimeSeriesData |
TimeStamp |
CompilerOptions |
ConfigureFn |
DashboardCopyPermission |
DataCallback |
DeviceGridExtensionFactory |
Use `ActionControlFactory` instead. |
DatapointSelectorModalAssetSelectorOptions |
DatapointSelectorModalOptions |
DatapointsSeriesDataMap |
Represents a map of datapoints series data. The key of the map is a source, and the value is the data for requested series. |
DatapointTableMapKey |
DeviceName |
MeasurementRanges |
Represents an object where key is a timestamp and value is an array where first record contains min and max values for a corresponding timestamp. |
RenderType |
Determines which values will be displayed as values for datapoints. e.g. if user chose 'min', only the minimum values will be displayed. |
Value |
Represents a value object where key is an object with min and max properties with its corresponding values. |
DateContextFromToQueryParams |
DateContextIntervalQueryParams |
WidgetDisplaySettings |
WidgetTimeContextChange |
WidgetTimeContextState |
DateTimeContext |
RevertChangeType |
WidgetChangeEvent |
Type for describing widget change events. It's possible to extend this by adding additional events to discriminated union type. |
WidgetChangeEventType |
WidgetTimeContext |
DateType |
DefaultWidgetIdKeys |
DefaultWidgetIdValues |
DeviceListColumnsFactory |
DocLink |
A link on the right drawer. |
DocLinkExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory which allows to define a get() function. This function gets called on each navigation with the current route and can return values async (observable or promise). Example :
DrawerItem |
DrawerPositions |
DynamicComponents |
DynamicWidgetDefinition |
WidgetDisplaySettingsCore |
DynamicProviderNavigationConfig |
DynamicProviderTabsConfig |
Entity |
Settings |
Factory |
Scope |
FilterMapperExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory ExtensionFactory: Example :
FormGroupConfig |
Helper type for form group configuration based on a given entity interface. Ensures that model changes will be detected at compile time avoiding runtime errors and possible data loss. |
ForOfFilterPipe |
GenericHookType |
HookValueType |
GlobalAutoRefreshQueryParam |
GridConfigPart |
Defines the various types of configuration options for data grid component. |
GridEventType |
Defines the various types of configuration change events the data grid component can emit. |
IndexedStep |
Can be used to mark a step as completed and adds the current index to the step. |
Keys |
LicensedApplicationPlugin |
LoriotState |
LpwanState |
MappingConfig |
MapRefreshOption |
Measurement |
NavigatorExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory which allows to define a get() function. This function gets called on each navigation with the current route and can return values async (observable or promise). Example :
NavigatorNodeFactory |
Factory enabling extension of the navigator menu through the HOOK_NAVIGATOR_NODES hook. Refer to Libraries > Component library > Extension points in our Web SDK guide. Example :
ObjectMappingsValidationObject |
OperationStatusOptionsMap |
OperationStatusOptionsMapShared |
PartialAppsList |
The list of partial application objects. |
PropertiesType |
QuickLink |
RealtimeAction |
RegisterDeviceExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory which allows to define a get() function. This function gets called on each navigation with the current route and can return values async (observable or promise). Example :
RegisterDeviceFactory |
Factory to implement if used in a hook for Multi Provider extension. |
ReplaceDeviceStepState |
ReplaceDeviceStepStatesMap |
RepositoryBinary |
Route |
A route that can be added via the HOOK_ROUTE. |
RouteFactory |
ViewContextRootRoute |
A ViewContext base route. |
ViewContextRoute |
A route that is added to a certain view context. |
RouteExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory which allows to define a get() function. This function gets called on each navigation with the current route and can return values async (observable or promise). Example :
SearchFactory |
Factory to implement if used in a hook for Multi Provider extension. |
SelectableItem |
SelectableItemTemplate |
selectedFunction |
selectedLabelFunction |
SigfoxState |
SizeInBytes |
SizeInMegaBytes |
StaticAssetType |
StatusType |
StepperExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory which allows to define a get() function. This function gets called on each navigation with the current route and can return values async (observable or promise). Example :
SupportedAppKey |
SupportedIcons |
Tab |
An tab allows to switch routes on a page. |
TabFactory |
Factory to implement if used in a hook for Multi Provider extension. |
TabExtension |
An extension HOOK can use either a pure value: Example :
Or an array to directly register multiple: Example :
Or an ExtensionFactory which allows to define a get() function. This function gets called on each navigation with the current route and can return values async (observable or promise). Example :
ThemeOptions |
ThemePreferenceOptions |
UpdateType |
UserStatusPartial |
WizardExtension |
ZipEntry |