dependencies Legend  Declarations  Module  Bootstrap  Providers  Exports cluster_RouterModule cluster_RouterModule_providers cluster_RouterModule_declarations cluster_RouterModule_imports ContextRouteComponent ContextRouteComponent RouterModule RouterModule ContextRouteComponent->RouterModule EmptyComponent EmptyComponent EmptyComponent->RouterModule ScopedContextRouteService ScopedContextRouteService ScopedContextRouteService->ContextRouteComponent ScopedContextRouteService->RouterModule CommonModule CommonModule CommonModule->RouterModule HeaderModule HeaderModule HeaderModule->RouterModule




A C8Y router implementation. It implements some default routes needed as well as context routes. Context routes are useful, if you want to use context data on a certain view (e.g. a device), then this routes automatically resolve the associated managed object.

You can use this in combination of the Angular default RouterModule or use only this module. Context routes can only be added via the HOOK_ROUTES hook.


Static forRoot
forRoot(routes: Routes, config?: ExtraOptions)

Same interface as @angular/router module. Sets initialNavigation always to disabled and useHash always to true.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
routes Routes No []

The configured routes.

config ExtraOptions Yes

The router default configuration.

The module and providers.

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