


Service to show a modal.




constructor(modalService: BsModalService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
modalService BsModalService No


Async acknowledge
acknowledge(title: string, body: string, status: StatusType, acknowledgeLabel: string)

Shows a quick acknowledge message modal.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
title string No

The title of that modal.

body string No

The text body to display.

status StatusType No Status.INFO

The status.

acknowledgeLabel string No gettext('Confirm')

The label to use.

Returns : unknown
Async confirm
confirm(title: string, body: string, status: StatusType, labels: any, confirmOptions: ConfirmOptions)

Shows a quick confirm message modal.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
title string No

The title of that modal.

body string No

The text body to display.

status StatusType No Status.INFO

The status.

labels any No {}

The labels to use. Default: { ok: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel'}

confirmOptions ConfirmOptions No {}

Selection options to display as checkbox list.

Returns : unknown
Async confirmLogout
confirmLogout(body?: string, status: StatusType, labels: any)

Shows a quick logout confirmation modal.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
body string Yes

The text body to display. Default: 'You will be logged out to apply your changes. Do you want to proceed?'

status StatusType No Status.WARNING

The status.

labels any No {}

The labels to use. Default: { ok: 'Confirm and log out', cancel: 'Cancel' }

Returns : unknown

results matching ""

    No results matching ""