dependencies Legend  Declarations  Module  Bootstrap  Providers  Exports cluster_ProductExperienceModule cluster_ProductExperienceModule_providers cluster_ProductExperienceModule_exports cluster_ProductExperienceModule_declarations ProductExperienceDirective ProductExperienceDirective ProductExperienceModule ProductExperienceModule ProductExperienceDirective->ProductExperienceModule ProductExperienceDirective ProductExperienceDirective ProductExperienceModule->ProductExperienceDirective GainsightService GainsightService GainsightService->ProductExperienceModule UserEngagementsService UserEngagementsService UserEngagementsService->ProductExperienceModule




This module enables an tenant to activate the product experience software Gainsight to help and track user actions.



Determines if a tracking tag should be loaded based on cookie preferences.

Returns : boolean

true if user cookie preferences exist, otherwise false.


Observes several factors to determine the state of user tracking and manages the visibility of Gainsight engagements. It watches for changes in the current tenant, the state of the cookie banner, and user's preferences for Gainsight engagements.

  1. If the cookie banner is being displayed, it returns without making any changes.
  2. If Gainsight is disabled at the tenant level via custom properties, it returns without making any changes.
  3. If the conditions are met for loading the Gainsight tag, it loads the tag.
Returns : void

Product experience

This module enables an tenant to activate the product experience software Gainsight to help and track user actions. Gainsight is only activated, if the following tenant custom property is set to enabled:

Example :
PUT {{url}}/tenant/tenants/{{tenant-id}}
  "customProperties": {
    "gainsightEnabled": "true"

Also the instance needs a Gainsight API Key in the system options (or in the application options):

Example :
GET {{url}}/tenant/system/options/gainsight/api.key
   "category": "gainsight",
   "value": "AP-xxxxxxx-2",
   "key": "api.key"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""