


Service for managing and retrieving alarms data within the alarms view.

The AlarmsViewService provides functionality to interact with alarms, including filtering, counting, and translation-related operations in an alarms view.

This service relies on the AlarmService for fetching alarm data and the OptionsService for configuring alarms view options.




constructor(alarmService: AlarmService, optionsService: OptionsService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
alarmService AlarmService No
optionsService OptionsService No


Async clearAllActiveAlarms
clearAllActiveAlarms(selectedSeverities: SeverityType[], sourceId: string | number)

Clears all active alarms of the selected severities.

This method clears all active alarms for the given list of severities by making bulk update calls. If no severities are selected, it defaults to using all available severities. It works by sending a series of update requests for each severity and returns a Promise that resolves with an object indicating if all alarms were resolved immediately.


Example :
const severitiesToClear: SeverityType[] = [Severity.MAJOR, Severity.MINOR];

clearAllActiveAlarms(severitiesToClear).then(({ resolvedImmediately }) => {
  if (resolvedImmediately) {
    console.log('All selected alarms were cleared successfully.');
  } else {
    console.log('Some alarms could not be cleared.');


  • The method uses the alarmService.updateBulk for each severity to clear the active alarms.
  • It may fetch the sourceId based on the view (if applicable) and include it as a query parameter in the update calls.
  • The method returns immediately but the returned Promise needs to have a then or catch method call to handle the result or error respectively.
  • Uses Promise.all to wait for all update requests to complete before resolving the final result.
Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
selectedSeverities SeverityType[] No

An array of severities to be cleared. If not provided, all severities will be cleared.

sourceId string | number No
  • Identifier for the source associated with the alarms to be cleared.
Returns : Promise<literal type>

A Promise that resolves with an object with a flag resolvedImmediately. The flag is true if all alarms for all selected severities were cleared successfully; otherwise false.


Example :
const severitiesToClear: SeverityType[] = [Severity.MAJOR, Severity.MINOR];

clearAllActiveAlarms(severitiesToClear).then(({ resolvedImmediately }) => {
if (resolvedImmediately) {
console.log('All selected alarms were cleared successfully.');
} else {
console.log('Some alarms could not be cleared.');


  • The method uses the alarmService.updateBulk for each severity to clear the active alarms.
  • It may fetch the sourceId based on the view (if applicable) and include it as a query parameter in the update calls.
  • The method returns immediately but the returned Promise needs to have a then or catch method call to handle the result or error respectively.
  • Uses Promise.all to wait for all update requests to complete before resolving the final result.
Async getAlarmsCountBySeverity
getAlarmsCountBySeverity(severity: SeverityType, showCleared: boolean, filter?: AlarmQueryFilter)

Fetches the count of alarms filtered by severity and clearance status.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
severity SeverityType No
  • The severity level to filter by (e.g., CRITICAL, MAJOR, etc.).
showCleared boolean No
  • Whether or not to include cleared alarms in the count.
filter AlarmQueryFilter Yes
  • Additional filter criteria for alarms.
Returns : Promise<number>

A promise that resolves to the number of alarms that match the filter criteria.


Returns the correct from and to dates based on the selected interval

Parameters :
Name Optional Description
intervalId No

the selected interval. E.g. 'none', 'hours', 'custom' ...

Returns : DateTimeContext

The calculated date context based on the selected interval.

getRouterLink(contextData?: ContextData, alarm?: IAlarm)

Returns the correct link based on the provided context data.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
contextData ContextData Yes

The context the navigation was triggered from.

alarm IAlarm Yes

The alarm to navigate to.

Returns : string

A link to be used as an url navigation.

getRouterNavigationArray(contextData?: ContextData, alarm?: IAlarm)

Returns the correct array navigation.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
contextData ContextData Yes

The context the navigation was triggered from.

alarm IAlarm Yes

The alarm to navigate to.

Returns : string[]

A link to be used as a router.navigation.


Retrieves the current alarms refresh type from the OptionsService and determines whether it is set to "interval".

Returns : boolean

true if the alarms refresh type is "interval," otherwise false.

retrieveAlarmsByDate(dates: DateTimeContext)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
dates DateTimeContext No
Returns : any
retrieveFilteredAlarms(severities: SeverityType[], showCleared, selectedDates?: [Date, Date], filter?: AlarmQueryFilter)

Retrieves a list of alarms filtered by specified severities and other optional query filters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
severities SeverityType[] No

an array of severities to filter the alarms.

showCleared No false

flag indicating whether to show cleared alarms. Defaults to false.

selectedDates [Date, Date] Yes

an array of two dates to filter alarms by creation and last update dates.

filter AlarmQueryFilter Yes

additional query filters for retrieving alarms.

Returns : Promise<IResultList<IAlarm>>

A promise that resolves to a list of alarms satisfying the specified filters.


Emits a subject to initialize the alarms reloading.

Returns : void
updateIntervalState(value: boolean)

Updates the state to enable or disable intervals.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
value boolean No
  • A boolean value to indicate whether to enable intervals.
Returns : void
updateSelectedSeverities(severityUpdates: SeverityFilter)

Updates the list of selected severities based on the new severity filter.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
severityUpdates SeverityFilter No
  • The object representing the updates to each severity.
Returns : SeverityType[]

An array representing the updated selected severities.


Default value : 'alarmsRefreshType'
Type : number
Default value : 30_000
Type : []
Default value : [5_000, 10_000, 15_000, 30_000, 60_000]
Type : string
Default value : 'interval'
Type : Observable<boolean>
Default value : gettext('The list was updated, click to refresh.')
Default value : new Subject<void>()

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