Description of IUser interface


  • IUser


[key: string]: any


applications?: IIdentified[]

Keeps a list of all user applications

customProperties?: any

Keeps a list of custom properties

devicePermission?: any

List of device permissions

displayName: string

The display name

email?: string

User email address.

enabled?: boolean

User activation status (true/false)

firstName?: string

User first name.

id?: string

Uniquely identifies a user

lastName?: string

User last name.

lastPasswordChange?: string
password?: string

User password. Min: 6, max: 32 characters. Only Latin1 chars allowed

passwordStrength?: string

The password strength

phone?: string

User phone number.

List of role references

self?: string

Link to this Resource

shouldResetPassword?: boolean

True if user should reset password

supportUserEnabled?: boolean
twoFactorAuthenticationEnabled?: boolean
userName: string

User name, unique for a given domain. Max: 1000 characters. Whitespaces, slashes, +$: characters not allowed