Describes the login option which can be requested by any application on startup without login. It describes which kind of login mechanism (e.g. Basic, SSO or OAI-Secure) is supported by the current Platform.


  • ITenantLoginOption


authenticationRestrictions?: IAuthenticationRestrictions

Basic authentication restrictions.

buttonName?: string

The label which is shown on the login button

enforceStrength?: boolean

Determines if password strength is enforced on system level

grantType?: GrantType

Grant type

greenMinLength?: number

Minimum length of a password to be considered as a “green” strong one

id?: string

Identifies the login option

initRequest?: string

The request which is used to initialize an oauth flow

loginRedirectDomain?: string

Tenant correct domain for OAI-Secure login option. UI will redirect to this domain if OAI-Secure is set as preferred login mode and domain in browser is wrong.

providerName?: string

Organizations name which provides login option

self?: string

Link to the resource

sessionConfiguration?: ISessionConfiguration

Configuration for OAI-Secure sessions.

strengthValidity?: boolean

Determines if password strength is enforced on tenant level

tfaStrategy?: TfaStrategy

The strategy for Two Factor Authentication

Login option type

userManagementSource: UserManagementSource

The origin of the users REMOTE or INTERNAL

visibleOnLoginPage?: boolean

Indicates whether the login option should be visible on the login page of UI applications. If set to true for more than one login option, then the preferred one will be selected according to priority:

  1. OAI-Secure: authentication information is stored in a HttpOnly cookie
  2. Basic Auth: authentication information is stored in a session storage
  3. SSO redirect: allows a user to login with a single 3rd-party authorization server using the OAuth2 protocol. If no login option has visibleOnLoginPage set to true, the preferred login option will be Basic Auth.