

_attachments?: {
    [key: string]: {
        content_type: string;
        digest: string;
        length: number;
        revpos: number;
        stub: boolean;

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: {
        content_type: string;
        digest: string;
        length: number;
        revpos: number;
        stub: boolean;
    • content_type: string
    • digest: string
    • length: number
    • revpos: number
    • stub: boolean
additionParents?: IManagedObjectReferences

A collection of references to additional parents objects

A collection of references to device parent objects

c8y_IsBinary: object
childAdditions?: IManagedObjectReferences

A collection of references to child addition objects

A collection of references to child assets

A collection of references to child devices

contentType: string
creationTime?: string

Time when ManagedObject was created in the database

deviceParents?: IManagedObjectReferences

A collection of references to device parent objects

id?: string

Unique identifier of the object, automatically allocated when the object is created

lastUpdated?: string

The time when the object was last updated

length: number
name: string
owner?: string

The owner of the managed object

self?: string

Link to this resource

type: string