Properties |
Methods |
constructor(assetTypesService: AssetTypesService)
Parameters :
getIcon | |||||||||||||||
getIcon(mo: IManagedObject, open: boolean)
Decorators :
Finds an icon based on the contents of a managed object. It takes into account factors such as type, and specific fragments.
Parameters :
Returns :
Returns an icon. |
isAnyGroup | ||||||||
isAnyGroup(mo: IManagedObject)
Checks whether the object belongs to any type of group. Types of groups: group, dynamic group, data broker, data broker active.
Parameters :
Returns :
Returns true if the managed object belongs to the group category. |
isAsset | ||||||||
isAsset(mo: IManagedObject)
Checks whether a given managed object is an asset.
Parameters :
Returns :
Returns true if the managed object is an asset. |
isDataBroker | ||||||||
isDataBroker(mo: IManagedObject)
Checks whether a given managed object is a data broker.
Parameters :
Returns :
Returns true if the managed object is a data broker. |
isDataBrokerActive | ||||||||
isDataBrokerActive(mo: IManagedObject)
Checks whether a given managed object is a data broker active.
Parameters :
Returns :
Returns true if the managed object is a data broker active. |
isDevice | ||||||||
isDevice(mo: IManagedObject)
Checks whether a given managed object is a device.
Parameters :
Returns :
Returns true if the managed object is a device. |
isDynamicGroup | ||||||||
isDynamicGroup(mo: IManagedObject)
Checks whether a given managed object is a dynamic group.
Parameters :
Returns :
Returns true if the managed object is a dynamic group. |
isGroup | ||||||||
isGroup(mo: IManagedObject)
Checks whether a given managed object is a group.
Parameters :
Returns :
Returns true if the managed object is a group. |
dataBrokerSourceFragmentInactive |
Default value : `_${GroupFragment.dataBrokerSourceFragment}`
Readonly icons |
Type : Icons
Default value : {
brokerSourceInactive: {
icon: 'c8y-group-remote-inactive',
iconOpen: 'c8y-group-remote-inactive'
brokerSource: {
icon: 'c8y-group-remote',
iconOpen: 'c8y-group-remote-open'
group: {
icon: 'c8y-group',
iconOpen: 'c8y-group-open'
dynamicGroup: {
icon: 'c8y-group-smart',
iconOpen: 'c8y-group-smart-open'
other: {
icon: 'exchange',
iconClass: 'statusUnknown'