dependencies Legend  Declarations  Module  Bootstrap  Providers  Exports cluster_AlertModule cluster_AlertModule_declarations cluster_AlertModule_exports cluster_AlertModule_imports AlertComponent AlertComponent AlertModule AlertModule AlertComponent->AlertModule AlertDetailsComponent AlertDetailsComponent AlertDetailsComponent->AlertModule AlertOutletComponent AlertOutletComponent AlertOutletComponent->AlertModule AlertTextComponent AlertTextComponent AlertTextComponent->AlertModule AlertComponent AlertComponent AlertModule->AlertComponent AlertDetailsComponent AlertDetailsComponent AlertModule->AlertDetailsComponent AlertOutletComponent AlertOutletComponent AlertModule->AlertOutletComponent AlertTextComponent AlertTextComponent AlertModule->AlertTextComponent CommonModule CommonModule CommonModule->AlertModule




Alert module is used for displaying status messages to the user e.g. danger, success, warning and info alerts.

Alert module

Provides alert messaging for cumulocity based application. The alert module allows to add an alert in two ways:


  • Three newest alerts are presented.
  • Only one alert will be presented if two alerts are added with the same type, text, detailedData and OnClose, OnDetail callbacks refer to the same function.
  • Success alert, which does not contain details or custom timeout, disappears automatically in 3 seconds.

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