Actions are functions that can be executed on the current list item. They are displayed next to the item and can be grouped in a dropdown.
* <c8y-li>
* <c8y-li-action (click)="deleteDevice(" icon="times">
* Delete
* </c8y-li-action>
* <c8y-li-action (click)="(false)" icon="rocket">
* Launch to space
* </c8y-li-action>
* </c8y-li>
* ```
selector | c8y-list-item-action, c8y-li-action |
templateUrl | ./list-item-action.component.html |
Inputs |
Outputs |
The name of the icon to use
Type : |
The label to display (you can alternatively use content projection to display the label).
Type : |
An EventEmitter to determine what to do if the action is triggered. $event Type: EventEmitter
<ng-template #template>
<button title="{{ label | translate }}" (click)="click.emit($event)">
<i [c8yIcon]="icon" *ngIf="icon"></i>
<span *ngIf="label">{{ label | translate }}</span>