




Optional brandingCssVars
brandingCssVars: BrandingCssVars
Type : BrandingCssVars

Object with properties that will be converted to CSS custom variables.

Optional brandingEntry
brandingEntry: string
Type : string

Path to the branding entry file.

Optional brandingUrl
brandingUrl: string
Type : string

URL to *.css file which will replace default branding.

Optional breadcrumbs
breadcrumbs: boolean
Type : boolean

Enable or disable breadcrumbs in the header for groups and devices (default: false).

Optional companyName
companyName: string
Type : string

Name of company handling support requests from app users (displayed in notification message).

Optional contentSecurityPolicy
contentSecurityPolicy: string
Type : string

CSP string to be applied to index.html by replacing default values.

contextPath: string
Type : string

Application context path (saved to the server).

Optional cookieBanner
cookieBanner: CookieBannerConfiguration
Type : CookieBannerConfiguration

Cookie Banner configuration

Optional cookiePreferences
cookiePreferences: CookiePreferencesConfiguration
Type : CookiePreferencesConfiguration

Cookie preferences configuration. Here you can enable or disable cookie categories

Optional docs
docs: Docs
Type : Docs

Documentation links settings.

Optional docsBaseUrl
docsBaseUrl: string
Type : string

Base URL for documentation links.

Optional dynamicOptionsUrl
dynamicOptionsUrl: string
Type : string

URL to dynamically fetched options.

Optional entryModule
entryModule: string
Type : string

Entry module for Angular compiler (only used with lazy loaded routes), e.g. 'app.module.ts#AppModule'.

Optional exports
exports: [literal type]
Type : [literal type]

Module export for micro frontends

Optional extraCssUrls
extraCssUrls: string[]
Type : string[]

Array of URLs to additional *.css files to be loaded at runtime.

Optional faviconUrl
faviconUrl: string
Type : string

URL to favicon.

Optional gainsightKey
gainsightKey: string
Type : string

A key for the product experience software Gainsight.

Optional globalTitle
globalTitle: string
Type : string

HTML page title.

Optional guideHrefTemplate
guideHrefTemplate: string
Type : string

URL template for documentation links (default: '${docsBaseUrl}${partialUrl}').

Optional hideNavigator
hideNavigator: boolean
Type : boolean

Collapse navigator on initial load.

Optional hidePowered
hidePowered: boolean
Type : boolean

Hide "powered by" and version info at the bottom of the navigator and in the user menu.

Optional i18nExtra
i18nExtra: I18nExtra
Type : I18nExtra

Allows for adding custom translations. It is an optional property.

Its keys are language codes ( and its values are objects with key-value pairs, where the key is the original string in English and the value - its translation.

  • Home: "Startseite"

For example you can add the translation of your custom cookie banner configured in the branding settings:

   * "i18nExtra": {
   *   "de": {
   *     "About cookies on Cumulocity IoT": "Informationen zu Cookies in Cumulocity IoT",
   *     "Click Agree and Proceed to accept cookies and go directly to the platform or click on Privacy Policy to see detailed descriptions of the used cookies.": "Klicken Sie auf Zustimmen und fortfahren, um Cookies zu akzeptieren und direkt zur Plattform zu gelangen, oder klicken Sie auf Datenschutzrichtlinie, um detaillierte Beschreibungen der verwendeten Cookies anzuzeigen."
   *   }
   * }
Optional icon
icon: Icon
Type : Icon

Application icon to be displayed in app switcher and header bar.

Optional imports
imports: literal type
Type : literal type

List of imported plugins.

Optional indexTemplate
indexTemplate: string
Type : string

Path to custom index.html (otherwise default one will be used).

key: string
Type : string

Application key (saved to the server).

Optional languages
languages: Languages
Type : Languages

Allows for adding or overriding languages available in the application.

Its keys are language codes and its values are objects with the following properties:

  • name: English name of the language,
  • nativeName: native name of the language,
  • url: full URL to JSON file with compiled translations; if not defined, translations will be loaded from ${localePath}/${langCode}.json.


   * "languages": {
   *   "de": {
   *     "name": "German",
   *     "nativeName": "Deutsch",
   *     "url": "/apps/public/ui-assets/de.json"
   *   }
   * }
Optional localePath
localePath: string
Type : string

Path to the folder from which *.po files will be loaded.

Optional loginExtraLink
loginExtraLink: LoginExtraLink
Type : LoginExtraLink

Additional link to display on login screen.

name: string
Type : string

Application name (saved to the server).

Optional newsletter
newsletter: boolean
Type : boolean

Show or hide a newsletter subscription checkbox in edit user modal.

Optional noAppSwitcher
noAppSwitcher: boolean
Type : boolean

Hide application in app switcher (saved to the server).

Optional rightDrawer
rightDrawer: boolean
Type : boolean

Enable or disable the right drawer.

Optional rootNodeModulesPath
rootNodeModulesPath: string
Type : string

Path to the root node_modules dir (useful when working in monorepo setup, e.g. yarn workspaces).

Optional sensorPhone
sensorPhone: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables cloud sensor wizard

Optional storageLimitationFeatureEnabled
storageLimitationFeatureEnabled: boolean
Type : boolean

Enable or disable storage limitation feature.

Optional supportUrl
supportUrl: boolean | string
Type : boolean | string

URL to support page (set to false to hide the link).

Optional supportUserString
supportUserString: string
Type : string

Replacement string for user field in audit logs for actions performed by a support user (available placeholders: {{support_user}}, {{supported_user}}).

Optional tabsHorizontal
tabsHorizontal: boolean
Type : boolean

Show tabs horizontally or vertically.

Optional tsConfigPath
tsConfigPath: string
Type : string

Path to tsccnfig.json file if TypeScript is used (default: ./tsconfig.json).

Optional upgrade
upgrade: boolean
Type : boolean

Set to true if the application is hybrid and uses Angular and AngularJS simultaneously.

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