
For styling the application global CSS created with LESS is used. These styles are based on Bootstrap 3, and the original LESS source is distributed via the npm package @c8y/style. By extending these styles it is possible to change any detail of the application but the vast majority of developers want to change: colors, logos and fonts and these can be very easily achieved by replacing a few variables.

To override the variables it is possible to use:

  • LESS variables at build time
  • Custom CSS properties (at build time or configurable at runtime)

CSS custom properties

Exposed via CSS custom properties there is only a subset of the LESS variables available. Here is a list of the available variables.

:root {
--brand-primary: gold ;
--brand-complementary: darkgreen;
--brand-dark:  red;
--brand-light: purple;
--gray-text: #333;
--link-color: var(--brand-primary);
--link-hover-color: var(--brand-complementary);
--brand-logo-img: url('/apps/ui-assets-management/logo-nav.svg');
--brand-logo-img-height: 20%;
--navigator-platform-logo: url('/apps/ui-assets-management/logo-nav.svg');
--navigator-platform-logo-height: 36px; /* height of the logo set to 0 to hide the element */

--navigator-font-family: inherit;
--navigator-app-name-size: 16px; /* font size of the application name set to 0 to hide app's name */
--navigator-app-icon-size: 46px; /* size of the application icon. set to 0 to hide the application icon.*/
--navigator-bg-color: var(--brand-primary);
--navigator-header-bg: var(--navigator-bg-color);
--navigator-text-color: #ffffff;
--navigator-separator-color: rgba(0,0,0,.05);
--navigator-active-color: var(--navigator-text-color);
--navigator-active-bg: var(--brand-complementary);

--header-color: #ffffff;
--header-text-color: var(--brand-dark);
--header-border-color: rgba(57,72,82,.05);

--font-family-base: "Roboto", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
--headings-font-family: var(--font-family-base);

Note that these can be customized at runtime using application options using the property brandingCssVars. The option is only available after version 9.22.0.

Using LESS


If you do not use the @c8y/cli make sure that you install the base styles from npm with:

npm install @c8y/style
  1. Create a LESS file called for instance branding.less.
  2. Save it inside a new folder, which can have any name you like.
  3. Inside this folder, create a sub folder for images.
│   app.modules.ts
│   index.ts
│   packages.json
|   ...
│   │   branding.less
│   └───img
│       │   favicon.ico
│       │   main-logo.svg
│       │   tenant-brand.svg

The first line of code within the branding.less has to be:

 @import '~@c8y/style/extend.less';

Example customizations

At this point we are able to change the desired variables according to our needs.

Let us change for example the most important color of your branding, the main color, called brand-color.

This is done by setting the respective LESS variable to a new color.

 @brand-color: red;

User interface elements like buttons, active navigation nodes or even active tabs as well as also hover-states of buttons are red now.

What about changing the main logo that is located at the top of the login dialog? Look at this:

 @{logo-login} { background-image: url('./img/logo-main.svg')}
 @brand-logo-height: 48%;

You can check the branding changes with the help of the @c8y/cli.

 c8ycli server --app.brandingEntry="<path-to-your-branding.less>"

You can also take a look at our tutorial application which has an example branding applied:

 c8ycli new <appName> tutorial

More branding details

There are three main areas of a branding that you can easily control.


The colors that may be edited are separated in multiple categories, like:

  • brand colors
  • status colors
  • gray shades
  • component colors

Brand colors

@brand-color:                 #53cd61;
@brand-primary:               @brand-color;
@brand-complementary:         #a8b3b5;
@brand-primary-light:         lighten(@brand-primary, 20%);

Status colors

@brand-success:               #5cb85c;
@brand-info:                  @brand-color;
@brand-warning:               #f0ad4e;
@brand-danger:                #d9534f;
@danger:                      #D90000;
@warning:                     #FDC000;
@dark-warning:                #FF8000;
@success:                     #5cb85c;

Gray shades

@gray-text:                   #444;
@gray-darker:                 #2c3637;
@gray-dark:                   #3b4748;
@gray-medium-dark:            #49595B;
@gray-medium:                 #6D7A7C;
@gray:                        #8A9596;
@gray-light:                  #cacece;
@gray-lighter:                #f8f8f8;
@gray-white:                  #fcfcfc;
@text-muted:                  @gray;

Component colors

Two components are always visible to the user, the header and the navigator. Therefore you should determine the look & feel of these components with care.

/* HEADER */
@headerColor:                 white;
@header-text-color:           @gray-medium-dark;
@header-text-color-hover:     @brand-primary;
@header-active-color:         darken(@gray-medium-dark, 15%);

@navColor:                    @gray-darker;
@navColorHeader:              transparent;
@navigator-title-color:       white;
@navigator-text-color:        @gray-lighter;
@navigator-separator-color:   fade(white, 5%);
@navigator-font-family:       @headings-font-family;
@navigator-font-size:         13px;
@navigator-active-color:      white;
@navigator-active-bg:         @brand-primary;

As you can see, some variables re-use others. Be careful that these variables are all defined to avoid build errors.


There is no branding without logos.

You can change the logo at the top of the login dialog, the tenant brand logo and of course the favicon.

To change the favicon, enter:

// to be loaded by webpack
.favicon-webpack-loader { background: url('./img/favicon.ico') }

To change the main logo, enter:

@{logo-login} { background-image: url('./img/main-logo.svg') }
@brand-logo-height: 48%;

To change the tenant brand logo inside the navigator, enter:

@{logo-navigator} { background-image: url('./img/tenant-brand.svg') }
@navigator-platform-logo-height: 100px;


The look and feel of an application is also driven by its typography. Of course you can change the font as well.

@font-family-sans-serif:      "Lato",Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
@font-family-base:            @font-family-sans-serif; @headings-font-family:        "Roboto",Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;

Example Branding

Above we described the possible options for creating your custom branding in detail. If you do not want to start from scratch in every application use the following example branding as snippet. It defines the most important variables.

@import '~@c8y/style/extend.less';

// Replace and uncomment each variable as you need them
/* LOGOS */
.favicon-webpack-loader { background: url('./img/favicon.ico') } // to be loaded by webpack
@{logo-login} { background-image: url('./img/logo-main.svg') }
@brand-logo-height: 48%; // percentage - height / width * 100
@{logo-navigator} { background-image: url('./img/logo.svg') }
@navigator-platform-logo-height: 100px;

/* COLORS */
@brand-color:                 #53cd61; // main color
@brand-primary:               @brand-color;
@brand-complementary:         #a8b3b5;
@brand-primary-light:         lighten(@brand-primary, 20%);
// status colors
@brand-success:               #5cb85c;
@brand-info:                  @brand-color;
@brand-warning:               #f0ad4e;
@brand-danger:                #d9534f;
@danger:                      #D90000;
@warning:                     #FDC000;
@dark-warning:                #FF8000;
@success:                     #5cb85c;
// grays
@gray-text:                   #444;
@gray-darker:                 #2c3637;
@gray-dark:                   #3b4748;
@gray-medium-dark:            #49595B;
@gray-medium:                 #6D7A7C;
@gray:                        #8A9596;
@gray-light:                  #cacece;
@gray-lighter:                #f8f8f8;
@gray-white:                  #fcfcfc;
@text-muted:                  @gray;

@body-background-color:       #f8f8f8; // page background color - always use a light background

/* HEADER */
@headerColor:                 white;
@header-text-color:           @gray-medium-dark;
@header-text-color-hover:     @brand-primary;
@header-active-color:         darken(@gray-medium-dark, 15%);

@navColor:                    @gray-darker;
@navColorHeader:              transparent;
@navigator-title-color:       white;
@navigator-text-color:        @gray-lighter;
@navigator-separator-color:   fade(white, 5%);
@navigator-font-family:       @headings-font-family;
@navigator-font-size:         13px;
@navigator-active-color:      white;
@navigator-active-bg:         @brand-primary;
// when set adds a vertical gradient in the navigator background
// @grad-top:                    "";
// @grad-bottom:                 "";

// @font-family-sans-serif:      "Lato",Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
// @font-family-base:            @font-family-sans-serif;
// @headings-font-family:        "Roboto",Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;

// @btn-border-radius-base:      2px;
// @btn-border-radius-large:     @btn-border-radius-base;
// @btn-border-radius-small:     @btn-border-radius-base;
// @btn-shadow:                  none;

// @spinner-color:               lighten(@brand-primary, 30%);
// @link-color:                  #337ab7;
// @link-hover-color:            darken(@link-color, 15%);
// @input-focus-color:           #66afe9;

// @body-background-pattern:     "";
// @darker-header:               @gray-dark;
// @appswitcher-background:      none;
// @table-bg-hover:              fade(black, 1.5%);
// @header-app-name:             @header-text-color;
// @image-path:                  'img/';

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