Methods |
constructor(operationService: OperationService, alertService: AlertService)
Parameters :
createOperation | |||||||||||
createOperation(undefined: Service, command: string)
Create an operation for the selected service command.
Parameters :
Returns :
Observable of the created operation. |
generateActionControls | ||||||
generateActionControls(commands: string[])
Generate a static list of action controls. The specific logic for each service is handled dynamically in showIf and callback.
Parameters :
Returns :
Array of ActionControl objects. |
getAllSupportedCommands | ||||||||
getAllSupportedCommands(services: Service[])
Get all supported commands for a list of services.
Parameters :
Returns :
Array of all unique supported commands. |
getSupportedCommands | ||||||||
getSupportedCommands(service: Service)
Get the list of supported service commands for the given service object.
Parameters :
Returns :
Array of supported commands. |
isCommandSupported | ||||||||||||
isCommandSupported(service: Service, command: string)
Check if a specific command is supported for the given service.
Parameters :
Returns :
boolean indicating if the command is supported. |
isServiceCommandSupported | ||||||||
isServiceCommandSupported(service: Service)
Check if the service supports service commands.
Parameters :
Returns :
boolean indicating if the service supports service commands. |