Default value : {
'system.password.enforce.strength': {
formId: 'system.password.enforce.strength',
title: gettext('Enforce "green" passwords for all users'),
type: 'boolean',
control: new FormControl('')
'system.password.limit.validity': {
formId: 'system.password.limit.validity',
title: gettext('Password validity limit (days)'),
description: gettext(
'The number of days a password may be valid before it must be reset; minimum value is 0, maximum value is 999999. Leave empty to use the value from the tenant options.'
type: 'number',
control: new FormControl('', [Validators.min(0), Validators.max(999999)])
'system.password.history.size': {
formId: 'system.password.history.size',
title: gettext('Password history size'),
description: gettext(
'The number of times before the current password can be reused. Minimum value is 0, preset value is 10.'
type: 'number',
placeholder: `${gettext('e.g. {{ example }}')}`,
placeholderParams: { example: '10' },
control: new FormControl('', [Validators.min(0)])
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Minimal length of "green" password'),
description: gettext(
'The minimum number of characters which are required for a safe password. Minimum (and preset) value is 8, maximum value is 32. Leave empty to skip this constraint.'
type: 'number',
control: new FormControl('', [Validators.min(8), Validators.max(32)])
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Protocol and encryption'),
type: 'select',
options: [
value: 'SMTP_PLAIN',
name: gettext('SMTP (no encryption)')
name: gettext('SMTP (STARTTLS)')
name: gettext('SMTPS (SSL/TLS)')
skipOnSave: true,
control: new FormControl('')
'email.protocol': {
formId: 'email.protocol',
title: gettext('Protocol'),
type: 'select',
options: [
value: 'smtp',
name: 'SMTP'
value: 'smtps',
name: 'SMTPS'
control: new FormControl('')
'email.connection.encrypted': {
formId: 'email.connection.encrypted',
title: gettext('Connection encrypted'),
type: 'boolean',
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Host'),
type: 'string',
placeholder: `${gettext('e.g. {{ example }}')}`,
placeholderParams: { example: 'localhost' },
control: new FormControl('')
'email.port': {
formId: 'email.port',
title: gettext('Port'),
type: 'number',
placeholder: `${gettext('e.g. {{ example }}')}`,
placeholderParams: { example: '25' },
control: new FormControl('', [Validators.min(1), Validators.max(65535)])
'email.username': {
formId: 'email.username',
title: gettext('Username'),
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Password'),
type: 'password',
control: new FormControl('')
'email.from': {
formId: 'email.from',
title: gettext('Sender address'),
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('', [])
'passwordReset.sendNotificationToUnknownEmails': {
formId: 'passwordReset.sendNotificationToUnknownEmails',
title: gettext('Send notifications to unknown email addresses'),
type: 'boolean',
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Email subject'),
description: gettext('Subject used for all password reset related emails'),
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Password reset email template (when address is known)'),
description: `${gettext(
'Placeholders: {tenant-domain}, {host}, {token}, {username}, {email}. Whole link to reset password can be, for example: {tenant-domain}/apps/devicemanagement/index.html?token={token}&email={email}'
type: 'textarea',
control: new FormControl(''),
lineBreakHint: true
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Password reset email template (when address is not known)'),
type: 'textarea',
control: new FormControl(''),
lineBreakHint: true
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Password change confirmation email template'),
description: `${gettext('Placeholders: {host}, {tenant-domain}, {username}')}`,
type: 'textarea',
control: new FormControl(''),
lineBreakHint: true
'passwordReset.invite.template': {
formId: 'passwordReset.invite.template',
title: gettext('Invitation email template'),
description: `${gettext(
'Placeholders: {tenant-domain}, {host}, {token}, {username}, {email}. Whole link to setup password can be, for example: {tenant-domain}/apps/devicemanagement/index.html?token={token}'
type: 'textarea',
control: new FormControl(''),
lineBreakHint: true
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Email subject'),
description: gettext(
'Placeholders: {tenant-domain}, {host}, {binaryId}. Whole link to result file is: {tenant-domain}/inventory/binaries/{binaryId}'
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Email template'),
description: `${gettext(
'Placeholders: {tenant-domain}, {host}, {binaryId}. Whole link to result file is: {tenant-domain}/inventory/binaries/{binaryId}'
type: 'textarea',
control: new FormControl(''),
lineBreakHint: true
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('User unauthorized error message'),
description: gettext('Placeholders: {user}, {exportApi}'),
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('')
'two-factor-authentication.token.sms.template': {
formId: 'two-factor-authentication.token.sms.template',
title: gettext('Verification token SMS template'),
description: gettext('Placeholder: {token} - created token'),
type: 'string',
placeholder: gettext('e.g.: Verification code: {token}'),
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('URL'),
type: 'string',
description: gettext(
'Possible values: URL string, "false`KEEP_ORIGINAL`" (hides the link) or leave empty (uses the default). Applications can override this setting by defining "supportUrl`KEEP_ORIGINAL`" application option.'
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Warning email subject'),
description: gettext('Email which will be sent one day before data is deleted'),
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Warning email template'),
description: `${gettext(
'Email which will be sent one day before data is deleted. Placeholders: {tenant-domain}, {tenant}, {size} - storage usage in %'
type: 'textarea',
control: new FormControl(''),
lineBreakHint: true
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Limit exceeded email subject'),
description: gettext('Email which will be sent after over-limit data has been deleted'),
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('')
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Limit exceeded email template'),
description: `${gettext(
'Email which will be sent after over-limit data has been deleted. Placeholders: {tenant-domain}, {tenant}, {size} - storage usage in %'
type: 'textarea',
control: new FormControl(''),
lineBreakHint: true
'tenantSuspend.mail.sendtosuspended': {
formId: 'tenantSuspend.mail.sendtosuspended',
title: gettext("Send email to suspended tenant's administrator"),
type: 'boolean',
control: new FormControl('')
'tenantSuspend.mail.additional.address': {
formId: 'tenantSuspend.mail.additional.address',
title: gettext('Tenant suspended email additional receiver'),
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('', [])
'tenantSuspend.mail.subject': {
formId: 'tenantSuspend.mail.subject',
title: gettext('Tenant suspended email subject'),
description: gettext(
"Placeholder: {tenant} - suspended tenant's ID; {tenant-domain} - tenant's domain"
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl('')
'tenantSuspend.mail.text': {
formId: 'tenantSuspend.mail.text',
title: gettext('Tenant suspended email template'),
description: `${gettext(
"Placeholder: {tenant} - suspended tenant's ID; {tenant-domain} - tenant's domain"
type: 'textarea',
control: new FormControl(''),
lineBreakHint: true
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Activate support user'),
description: gettext(
'Possible values: "true`KEEP_ORIGINAL`", "false`KEEP_ORIGINAL`", or a specific date until the user should remain active, for example, "{{ exampleDate }}". Leaving it blank, will set the value to "true`KEEP_ORIGINAL`".'
descriptionTranslateParams: {
exampleDate: this.exampleTomorrowDate
type: 'string',
control: new FormControl(''),
placeholder: this.exampleTomorrowDate
'': {
formId: '',
title: gettext('Validity limit'),
description: gettext(
'Each support user request from subtenant user will prolong support user access by the given number of hours (default: 24 hours). Leaving it blank, will set the value to "24".'
type: 'number',
placeholder: `${gettext('e.g. {{ example }}')}`,
placeholderParams: { example: '24' },
control: new FormControl('', [Validators.min(0)])