Class Paging<TData>

Paging allows you to query the next and previous data chunks in a convenient way. You can also go to a specific page or just read page information about the current data chunk. Note that page numbers are generated by backend and may be used as offset rather than a continuous range of positive numbers (e.g. in case of users with restricted permissions).

Type Parameters

  • TData



currentPage: number

Holds the number of the current page, so in fact the data chunk you are looking at.

nextPage: number

Holds the number of the next page.

pageSize: number

Holds the number of the maximum data that you will get with the response.

prevPage: number

Holds the number of the previous page.

totalElements: number

Holds the number of total elements for the given request.

totalPages: number

Holds the number of total pages regarding to the given page size.
