




constructor(assetTypesService: AssetTypesService)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
assetTypesService AssetTypesService No


icon(mo: IManagedObject, open: boolean)

Finds an icon based on the contents of a managed object. It takes into account factors such as type, and specific fragemnts.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
mo IManagedObject No

Managed object to be checked.

open boolean No false

Determines whether the method should return an alternative icon showing the open state.

Returns : string

Returns an icon.

isAnyGroup(mo: IManagedObject)

Checks whether the object belongs to any type of group. Types of groups: group, dynamic group, data broker, data broker active.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
mo IManagedObject No

Managed object to be checked.

Returns : boolean

Returns true if the managed object belongs to the group category.

isAsset(mo: IManagedObject)

Checks whether a given managed object is an asset.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
mo IManagedObject No

Managed object to be checked.

Returns : boolean

Returns true if the managed object is an asset.

isDataBroker(mo: IManagedObject)

Checks whether a given managed object is a data broker.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
mo IManagedObject No

Managed object to be checked.

Returns : boolean

Returns true if the managed object is a data broker.

isDataBrokerActive(mo: IManagedObject)

Checks whether a given managed object is a data broker active.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
mo IManagedObject No

Managed object to be checked.

Returns : boolean

Returns true if the managed object is a data broker active.

isDevice(mo: IManagedObject)

Checks whether a given managed object is a device.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
mo IManagedObject No

Managed object to be checked.

Returns : boolean

Returns true if the managed object is a device.

isDynamicGroup(mo: IManagedObject)

Checks whether a given managed object is a dynamic group.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
mo IManagedObject No

Managed object to be checked.

Returns : boolean

Returns true if the managed object is a dynamic group.

isGroup(mo: IManagedObject)

Checks whether a given managed object is a group.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
mo IManagedObject No

Managed object to be checked.

Returns : boolean

Returns true if the managed object is a group.


Default value : `_${GroupFragment.dataBrokerSourceFragment}`
Readonly icons
Type : object
Default value : { brokerSourceInactive: { icon: 'c8y-group-remote-inactive', iconOpen: 'c8y-group-remote-inactive' }, brokerSource: { icon: 'c8y-group-remote', iconOpen: 'c8y-group-remote-open' }, group: { icon: 'c8y-group', iconOpen: 'c8y-group-open' }, dynamicGroup: { icon: 'c8y-group-smart', iconOpen: 'c8y-group-smart-open' }, other: { icon: 'exchange', iconClass: 'statusUnknown' } }

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