selector | c8y-operations-timeline |
templateUrl | operations-timeline.component.html |
Properties |
Inputs |
constructor(realtime: OperationRealtimeService, operationsService: OperationsService)
Parameters :
bodyTemplate |
Type : TemplateRef<any>
filterPipe |
Type : UnaryFunction< | >
Default value : pipe(tap())
footerTemplates |
Type : Array<TemplateRef<any>>
Default value : []
operations |
Type : IResultList<IOperation>
propertiesToHide |
Type : string[]
Default value : []
sourceId |
Type : string
Type : OperationStatusOptionsMap
Public operationsService |
Type : OperationsService
Public realtime |
Type : OperationRealtimeService
<div class="card" *ngIf="!operations?.data || !operations?.data?.length">
<div class="c8y-empty-state text-left">
<h1 class="c8y-icon c8y-icon-energy c8y-icon-duocolor m-l-8"></h1>
<p>{{ 'No recent operations found.' | translate }}</p>
let op of operations;
pipe: filterPipe;
realtime: realtime;
realtimeOptions: { entityOrId: sourceId }
{{ op.creationTime | date: 'medium' }}
<c8y-li #li (click)="li.toggleCollapsed()">
[tooltip]="op.status | translate"
<div class="flex-row">
{{ op.status | translate }} <br class="visible-xs visible-sm" />
*ngIf="bodyTemplate; else defaultBody"
[ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ $implicit: op }"
<ng-template #defaultBody>
<small>{{ op.description }}</small>
<div class="flex-item-right showOnHover" *ngIf="op.status === 'PENDING'">
class="btn btn-clean"
title="{{ 'Cancel operation' | translate }}"
(click)="$event.stopPropagation(); operationsService.cancel(op)"
<i c8yIcon="minus-circle" class="text-danger"></i>
<div class="legend form-block" translate>Details</div>
<ul class="list-unstyled small">
class="p-t-4 p-b-4 flex-row separator-bottom"
*ngFor="let prop of operationsService.getStandardKeys(op) | keyvalue"
<label class="small m-b-0 m-r-8 flex-item-v-start">
{{ prop.value | translate }}
<span class="flex-item-right">
{{ op[prop.key] | translate }}
class="p-t-4 p-b-4 flex-row separator-bottom"
*ngFor="let key of operationsService.getNonStandardKeys(op, propertiesToHide)"
<label class="small m-b-0 m-r-8 flex-item-v-start">
{{ key | humanize | translate }}
<span class="flex-item-right text-code">
{{ op[key] | json }}
*ngFor="let footer of footerTemplates"
[ngTemplateOutletContext]="{ $implicit: op }"