selector | c8y-device-grid |
templateUrl | ./device-grid.component.html |
Properties |
Methods |
Inputs |
Outputs |
Accessors |
constructor(deviceGridService: DeviceGridService)
Parameters :
actionControls |
Type : []
Sets action controls (actions available for individual items). If not given, it defaults to standard actions. |
baseQuery |
Type : any
Default value : {}
Sets the base query which is appended to the request for data. |
bulkActionControls |
Type : []
Sets bulk action controls (actions available for items selected by user). If not given, it defaults to standard bulk actions. |
childDeviceGrid |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
columns |
Type : DeviceGridColumn[]
The list of columns to be displayed in the grid. If not given, it defaults to standard columns. |
columnsConfigKey |
Type : string
The name of the key where columns configuration will be stored. |
dataCallback |
Type : DataCallback
Optional callback function that allows to modify server side data result before it's rendered. |
headerActionControls |
Type : []
Sets header action controls (actions available from the grid header). If not given, it defaults to empty list of actions. |
infiniteScroll |
Sets load more mode. |
loadingItemsLabel |
Type : string
Default value : gettext('Loading devices…')
The label for loading indicator. |
loadMoreItemsLabel |
Type : any
Default value : gettext('Load more devices')
The label for load more button. |
pagination |
Pagination settings, e.g. allows for setting current page or page size. If not given, defaults to standard settings. |
parentDeviceId |
Type : string
refresh |
Type : EventEmitter<any>
Default value : new EventEmitter()
Takes an event emitter. When an event is emitted, the grid will be reloaded. |
selectable |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Determines whether items can be selected by clicking a checkbox in the first column. |
title |
Type : string
Default value : gettext('Devices')
The title for the data grid, it's displayed in the grid's header. |
withChildren |
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Sets the withChildren query which is appended to the request. |
itemsSelect |
Type : EventEmitter
Emits an event when items selection changes. The array contains ids of selected items. |
onColumnsChange |
Type : EventEmitter<DeviceGridColumn[]>
Emits an event when columns configuration changes. |
onDeviceQueryStringChange |
Type : EventEmitter<string>
onFilterChange |
Type : EventEmitter<FilterConfig[]>
addCustomColumn | ||||||
addCustomColumn(columnConfig: CustomColumnConfig)
Parameters :
Returns :
configChange | ||||||
configChange(config: GridConfig)
Parameters :
Returns :
filterChange | |||
Parameters :
Returns :
ngOnDestroy |
Returns :
ngOnInit |
Returns :
Async onDataSourceModifier | ||||||
onDataSourceModifier(dataSourceModifier: DataSourceModifier)
Parameters :
Returns :
onDeleteDevice | ||||
Parameters :
Returns :
removeCustomColumn | ||||||
removeCustomColumn(columnToRemove: Column)
Parameters :
Returns :
Async setActionControls |
Returns :
trackByName | |||||||||
trackByName(_index, column: DeviceGridColumn)
Parameters :
Returns :
updateFiltering | |||||||||
updateFiltering(columnNames: string[], action: literal type)
Parameters :
Returns :
actionControls |
Type : ActionControl[]
Default value : []
appliedFilters |
Type : FilterConfig[]
Default value : []
bulkActionControls |
Type : BulkActionControl[]
Default value : this.deviceGridService.getDefaultBulkActionControls()
columns$ |
Type : Observable<DeviceGridColumn[]>
Default value : of(this.deviceGridService.getDefaultColumns())
configureColumnsEnabled |
Type : boolean
Default value : true
dataGrid |
Type : DataGridComponent
Decorators :
@ViewChild(DataGridComponent, {static: true})
Public deviceGridService |
Type : DeviceGridService
headerActionControls |
Type : HeaderActionControl[]
Default value : this.deviceGridService.getDefaultHeaderActionControls()
infiniteScroll |
Type : LoadMoreMode
pagination |
Type : Pagination
Default value : this.deviceGridService.getDefaultPagination()
serverSideDataCallback |
Type : any
_pagination | ||||||
set_pagination(value: Pagination)
Pagination settings, e.g. allows for setting current page or page size. If not given, defaults to standard settings.
Parameters :
Returns :
_infiniteScroll | ||||||
set_infiniteScroll(infiniteScroll: LoadMoreMode)
Sets load more mode.
Parameters :
Returns :
_actionControls | ||||||
set_actionControls(value: ActionControl[])
Sets action controls (actions available for individual items). If not given, it defaults to standard actions.
Parameters :
Returns :
_bulkActionControls | ||||||
set_bulkActionControls(value: BulkActionControl[])
Sets bulk action controls (actions available for items selected by user). If not given, it defaults to standard bulk actions.
Parameters :
Returns :
_headerActionControls | ||||||
set_headerActionControls(value: HeaderActionControl[])
Sets header action controls (actions available from the grid header). If not given, it defaults to empty list of actions.
Parameters :
Returns :
[columns]="columns$ | async"
[title]="'No matching devices.' | translate"
[subtitle]="'Refine your search terms' | translate"
<ng-container *ngFor="let column of columns$ | async; trackBy: trackByName">
<c8y-column [name]=""></c8y-column>