

Default value : (str) => str


__MODE__: string
Type : string


Default value : downgradeInjectable(AlertService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(ApiService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(AppStateService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(AuthBridgeService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(BridgeService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(BulkOperationDetailsService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(DocsService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(HeaderService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(PasswordService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(ServerMessagesService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(TranslateService)
Default value : downgradeInjectable(UserMenuService)


Default value : angular .module(NAME, []) .directive('c8yOpcuaAddressSpaceTree', opcuaAddressSpaceTreeComponent)
NAME: string
Type : string
Default value : 'c8y.upgrade.opcua'
ng1Modules: []
Type : []
Default value : [NAME]


Default value : angular .module(NAME, []) .directive('c8yExportSchedules', exportSchedulesComponent) .service('c8yReportsService', reportsService)
NAME: string
Type : string
Default value : 'c8y.upgrade.reports'
ng1Modules: []
Type : []
Default value : [NAME]


angularLocalesLanguageMap: object
Type : object
Default value : { en: 'en-GB', 'en-EN': 'en-GB' }


Default value : downgradeComponent({ component: AppLogsAutoRefreshComponent })
Default value : downgradeComponent({ component: BootstrapComponent })
Default value : downgradeComponent({ component: DataGridComponent })
Default value : downgradeComponent({ component: ImpactProviderSettingsComponent })
Default value : downgradeComponent({ component: UserTotpRevokeComponent })


Default value : new InjectionToken<AssetNavigatorConfig>('AssetNodeConfig')


authBridgeServiceProvider: object
Type : object
Default value : { provide: AuthBridgeService, useFactory: authBridgeServiceFactory, deps: ['$injector', BasicAuth, FetchClient, AppStateService] }


baseUrl: string
Type : string
Default value : 'devicecontrol/bulk/creation/'
Type : string[]
Default value : C8Y_BULK_TYPES.reduce( (flattened, current) => flattened.concat(current.fragments), [] )
C8Y_BULK_TYPES: OperationType[]
Type : OperationType[]
Default value : [ { type: BulkOperationType.CONFIGURATION, c8yIcon: 'cogs', name: gettext('Configuration update'), path: `${baseUrl}configuration`, component: undefined, fragments: ['c8y_DownloadConfigFile', 'c8y_Configuration'], selected: false }, { type: BulkOperationType.FIRMWARE, c8yIcon: 'c8y-firmware', name: gettext('Firmware update'), path: `${baseUrl}firmware`, component: undefined, fragments: ['c8y_Firmware'], selected: false }, { type: BulkOperationType.SOFTWARE, c8yIcon: 'c8y-tools', name: gettext('Software update'), path: `${baseUrl}software`, component: undefined, fragments: ['c8y_SoftwareList', 'c8y_SoftwareUpdate'], selected: false }, { type: BulkOperationType.DEVICE_PROFILE, c8yIcon: 'c8y-device-profile', name: gettext('Apply device profile'), path: `${baseUrl}device-profile`, component: undefined, fragments: ['c8y_DeviceProfile'], selected: false } ]
Default value : new InjectionToken<OperationType[]>('LIST_BULK_TYPE')


bridgeServiceProvider: object
Type : object
Default value : { provide: BridgeService, useFactory: bridgeServiceFactory, deps: ['$injector', AppStateService, Router, NgZone, RouterService, ActionService] }


Type : object
Default value : { SCHEDULED: gettext('Scheduled'), EXECUTING: gettext('Executing'), CANCELED: gettext('Canceled'), FAILED: gettext('Completed with failures'), SUCCESSFUL: gettext('Completed successfully') }
Type : IStatusOption[]
Default value : [ { label: BULK_OPERATION_STATUS_LABELS.SCHEDULED, generalStatus: [OperationBulkGeneralStatus.SCHEDULED], iconClass: 'fa fa-calendar text-info' }, { label: BULK_OPERATION_STATUS_LABELS.EXECUTING, generalStatus: [ OperationBulkGeneralStatus.EXECUTING, OperationBulkGeneralStatus.EXECUTING_WITH_ERROR ], iconClass: 'fa fa-refresh text-primary' }, { label: BULK_OPERATION_STATUS_LABELS.CANCELED, generalStatus: [OperationBulkGeneralStatus.CANCELED], iconClass: 'fa fa-ban text-muted' }, { label: BULK_OPERATION_STATUS_LABELS.FAILED, generalStatus: [OperationBulkGeneralStatus.FAILED], iconClass: 'fa fa-exclamation-triangle text-danger' }, { label: BULK_OPERATION_STATUS_LABELS.SUCCESSFUL, generalStatus: [OperationBulkGeneralStatus.SUCCESSFUL], iconClass: 'fa fa-check text-success' } ]


bulkOperationAuditLogTextPlaceholders: object
Type : object
Default value : { updatesList: { capture: '$1', translate: { "status='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('status="{{status | translate}}"'), placeholders: { status: '$1' } }, "generalStatus='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('generalStatus="{{generalStatus | translate}}"'), placeholders: { generalStatus: '$1' } }, "progress='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('progress="{{progress}}"'), placeholders: { progress: '$1' } }, 'note=(.+?)': { gettext: gettext('note="{{note}}"'), placeholders: { note: '$1' } } } } }
MESSAGES: object
Type : object
Default value : { '^Access is denied$': { gettext: gettext('Access denied.') }, '^Alarm created$': { gettext: gettext('Alarm created') }, '^Alarm updated$': { gettext: gettext('Alarm updated') }, '^API is not available with the new domain$': { gettext: gettext('Could not activate custom domain. DNS setup is incorrect.') }, '^Application with given name already exist$': { gettext: gettext('Application with given name already exists.') }, '^Application with id (.+?) is already assigned to the tenant (.+?)$': { gettext: gettext('This application is already assigned to tenant "{{tenant}}".'), placeholders: { tenant: '$2' } }, '^Apply software changes: (.+?)\\.?$': { gettext: gettext('Apply software changes: {{ softwareChanges }}'), placeholders: { softwareChanges: { capture: '$1', translate: { 'install "(.+?)" \\(version: (.+?)\\)': { gettext: gettext('install "{{ softwareName }}" (version: {{ softwareVersion }})'), placeholders: { softwareName: '$1', softwareVersion: '$2' } }, 'install "([^"]+)"(?! \\(version: .+?\\))': { gettext: gettext('install "{{ softwareName }}"'), placeholders: { softwareName: '$1' } }, 'delete "(.+?)" \\(version: (.+?)\\)': { gettext: gettext('delete "{{ softwareName }}" (version: {{ softwareVersion }})'), placeholders: { softwareName: '$1', softwareVersion: '$2' } }, 'delete "([^"]+)"(?! \\(version: .+?\\))': { gettext: gettext('delete "{{ softwareName }}"'), placeholders: { softwareName: '$1' } } } } } }, '^Assign device profile (.+?) to device (.+?)$': { gettext: gettext('Assign device profile {{profileName}} to device {{deviceName}}'), placeholders: { profileName: '$1', deviceName: '$2' } }, '^(.+)pplication for tenant (.+) with properties \\( (.+?) \\) already exists$': { gettext: gettext( 'Application for tenant "{{tenant}}" with the following values ({{valuesList}}) already exists.' ), placeholders: { tenant: '$2', valuesList: '$3' } }, '^Authentication failed! : User account is locked$': { gettext: gettext('Authentication failed due to: user account is locked.') }, '^Availability monitoring record$': { gettext: gettext('Availability monitoring record') }, '^Can not activate a certificate which is either expired or not yet valid$': { gettext: gettext('Cannot activate a certificate which is either expired or not yet valid.') }, '^Cannot add certificate - certificate with (.+?) fingerprint already exists. : Certificate with (.+?) fingerprint already exists.': { gettext: gettext( 'Could not add certificate. Certificate with {{fingerprint}} fingerprint already exists.' ), placeholders: { fingerprint: '$1' } }, '^Cannot change password. : Provided token does not exist.$': { gettext: gettext('Cannot change password: provided token is invalid.') }, '^Cannot deploy module (.*)$': { gettext: gettext('Cannot deploy module due to error: "{{ errorMessage | translate }}".'), placeholders: { errorMessage: '$1' } }, "^Cannot deploy module (.+?)! : Compilation failed in module '(.+?)' in expression '(.+?)' : Incorrect syntax near '(.+?)' at line (\\d+) column (\\d+) \\[([\\S\\s]+?)\\]$": { gettext: gettext( 'Could not deploy module "{{moduleName}}". Compilation failed in expression "{{expression}}": incorrect syntax near "{{incorrectExpression}}" at line {{line}} column {{column}}.' ), placeholders: { moduleName: '$1', expression: '$3', incorrectExpression: '$4', line: '$5', column: '$6' } }, "^Cannot deploy module (.+?)! : Compilation failed in module '(.+?)' in expression '(.+?)' : Incorrect syntax near '(.+?)' at line (\\d+) column (\\d+) near reserved keyword '(.+?)' \\[([\\S\\s]+?)\\]$": { gettext: gettext( 'Could not deploy module "{{moduleName}}". Compilation failed in expression "{{expression}}": incorrect syntax near "{{incorrectExpression}}" at line {{line}} column {{column}} near reserved keyword "{{keyword}}".' ), placeholders: { moduleName: '$1', expression: '$3', incorrectExpression: '$4', line: '$5', column: '$6', keyword: '$7' } }, "^Cannot deploy module (.+?)! : Compilation failed in module '(.+?)' in expression '(.+?)' : Incorrect syntax near '(.+?)' at line (\\d+) column (\\d+), please check the where clause \\[([\\S\\s]+?)\\]$": { gettext: gettext( 'Could not deploy module "{{moduleName}}". Compilation failed in expression "{{expression}}": incorrect syntax near "{{incorrectExpression}}" at line {{line}} column {{column}}, check "where" clause.' ), placeholders: { moduleName: '$1', expression: '$3', incorrectExpression: '$4', line: '$5', column: '$6' } }, "^Cannot deploy module (.+?)! : Deployment failed in module '(.+?)' in expression '(.+?)' : Exception compiling script '(.+?)' of dialect '(.+?)': missing (.+?) before statement \\((.+?)\\) \\[([\\S\\s]+?)\\]$": { gettext: gettext( 'Could not deploy module "{{moduleName}}". Compilation failed in expression "{{expression}}": exception compiling script "{{scriptName}}" of dialect "{{scriptDialect}}": missing "{{missingSyntax}}" before statement "{{affectedStatement}}".' ), placeholders: { moduleName: '$1', expression: '$3', scriptName: '$4', scriptDialect: '$5', missingSyntax: '$6', affectedStatement: '$7' } }, "^Cannot execute bulk operation on empty group. Group with id='(\\d+?)' doesn't have child assets.$": { gettext: gettext( 'Could not execute bulk operation on an empty group. Group with ID "{{groupId}}" has no child assets.' ), placeholders: { groupId: '$1' } }, "^Cannot execute bulk operation on empty group. DynamicGroup with id='(\\d+?)' doesn't have child assets$": { gettext: gettext( 'Could not execute bulk operation on an empty group. Smart group with ID "{{groupId}}" has no child assets.' ), placeholders: { groupId: '$1' } }, '^Cannot parse X509 certificate. : Could not parse certificate: (.+?)$': { gettext: gettext('Could not parse X.509 certificate: {{ failureReason | translate }}.'), placeholders: { failureReason: '$1' } }, '^Cannot reschedule bulk operation. All its operations are successful$': { gettext: gettext('Cannot reschedule bulk operation. All its operations are already successful.') }, '^Cannot reset user password : Cannot find user with such email.$': { gettext: gettext('Cannot reset password for user with such email: email not found.') }, '^Cannot update/delete application binary via this endpoint$': { gettext: gettext('Cannot update/delete application binary via this endpoint') }, "^Can't delete user because it is used by another managed object$": { gettext: gettext( 'Cannot delete device with associated device owner because this owner is still assigned to other device(s). Try to remove only the device.' ) }, '^Cep module created$': { gettext: gettext('CEP module created') }, '^Cep module updated$': { gettext: gettext('CEP module updated') }, '^Cep module deleted$': { gettext: gettext('CEP module deleted') }, '^Cep module "(.+?)" created$': { gettext: gettext('CEP module "{{name}}" created'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Cep module "(.+?)" updated$': { gettext: gettext('CEP module "{{name}}" updated'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Cep module "(.+?)" deleted$': { gettext: gettext('CEP module "{{name}}" deleted'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Command state is invalid: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Command state is invalid: {{violations}}'), placeholders: { violations: { capture: '$1', translate: { '(\\w+?) - may not be null': { gettext: gettext('"{{field}}" must not be null'), placeholders: { field: '$1' } } } } } }, '^Could not connect to endpoint (.+)\\. Could not verify `(.+)` host key with fingerprint `(.+)` for `(.+)` on port (.+)\\. If you expected that key, please remove the previous one from configuration to allow for connection\\.$': { gettext: gettext( 'Could not connect to endpoint "{{endpointName}}". Could not verify {{keyType}} host key with fingerprint {{fingerprint}} for host {{host}} on port {{port}}. If you expected this key, please remove the previous one from configuration to allow for connection.' ), placeholders: { endpointName: '$1', keyType: '$2', fingerprint: '$3', host: '$4', port: '$5' } }, '^Could not login to ssh server on endpoint "(.+)"\\. Provided credential for user "(.+)" is incorrect\\.$': { gettext: gettext( 'Could not access SSH server on endpoint "{{endpointName}}". Provided credentials for user "{{userName}}" are incorrect.' ), placeholders: { endpointName: '$1', userName: '$2' } }, '^Could not save object remoteAccessUpdate: (.+)$': { gettext: '{{errorMessages}}', placeholders: { errorMessages: { capture: '$1', translate: { 'Could not recognize host-key format': { gettext: gettext('Could not recognize "Host key" format') }, 'Could not recognize key-pair format': { gettext: gettext('Could not recognize the format of "Public key" or "Private key"') } } } } }, '^Could not update user. : Error persisting user (.+?)!$': { gettext: gettext('Could not update user "{{username}}".'), placeholders: { username: '$1' } }, 'ˆCreate bulk operation$': { gettext: gettext('Create bulk operation') }, '^Create bulk operation: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Create bulk operation: {{updatesList}}'), placeholders: bulkOperationAuditLogTextPlaceholders }, '^Creation ramp must be greater than (\\d+?)$': { gettext: gettext('Bulk operation delay must be greater than {{minSeconds}} seconds.'), placeholders: { minSeconds: '$1' } }, '^Created container$': { gettext: gettext('Container created.') }, '^Created pod: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Pod "{{imageName}}" created.'), placeholders: { imageName: '$1' } }, '^CSV file contained empty dataset$': { gettext: gettext('No entries found in uploaded CSV file.') }, '^Cycle detected for route (.+?)!$': { gettext: gettext('Cycle detected for route {{route}}.'), placeholders: { route: '$1' } }, '^Data broker processing is currently overloaded and may stop forwarding your data\\. Please contact support\\.$': { gettext: gettext( 'Data broker processing is currently overloaded and may stop forwarding your data. Please contact support.' ) }, '^Data broker processing is not able to connect do destination tenant, thus data forwarding is not working\\. Please contact support\\.$': { gettext: gettext( 'Data broker processing is not able to connect to destination tenant, thus data forwarding is not working. Please contact support.' ) }, '^Delete bulk operation$': { gettext: gettext('Delete bulk operation') }, '^Delete bulk operation: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Delete bulk operation: {{updatesList}}'), placeholders: bulkOperationAuditLogTextPlaceholders }, "^Device id '(.+?)' contains '(.+?)' character which is not permitted.$": { gettext: gettext('ID "{{deviceId}}" contains invalid character: "{{invalidCharacter}}".'), placeholders: { deviceId: '$1', invalidCharacter: '$2' } }, "^Device name: '(.+?)', alarm text: '(.+?)'$": { gettext: gettext('Device name: "{{deviceName}}", alarm text: "{{alarmText | translate}}"'), placeholders: { deviceName: '$1', alarmText: '$2' } }, '^Display name$': { gettext: gettext('Login alias') }, '^Domain name in uploaded certificate differs from the one in use$': { gettext: gettext( 'Domain name in uploaded certificate differs from the one in use. Please deactivate the custom domain before uploading new certificate.' ) }, '^Domain name is already in use by another tenant!$': { gettext: gettext('Domain name is already used by another tenant.') }, '^Duplicated connector for instanceUrl (.+?)!$': { gettext: gettext('Target URL {{targetUrl}} already used by another connector.'), placeholders: { targetUrl: '$1' } }, '^Duplicated connector for name (.+?)!$': { gettext: gettext('Connector name "{{name}}" already used by another connector.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Entry is outside of the target dir: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('File entry outside of the target directory: "{{path}}".'), placeholders: { path: '$1' } }, '^Error during password validation. : Password must have at least (\\d+?) characters and no more than (\\d+?) and must contain only Latin1 characters.$': { gettext: gettext( 'Password is invalid. It must have at least {{minCharactersCount}} and no more than {{maxCharactersCount}} characters.' ), placeholders: { minCharactersCount: '$1', maxCharactersCount: '$2' } }, '^Error during password validation. : Your password has been used already. Choose another.$': { gettext: gettext('This password has already been used earlier. Use a different one.') }, "^Error in statement (.+?):(.+?)! : Incorrect syntax near '(.+?)' near reserved keyword '(.+?)' \\[([\\S\\s]+?)\\]$": { gettext: gettext( 'Error in statement {{moduleName}}:{{statementNumber}}. Incorrect syntax near expression "{{expression}}" near reserved keyword "{{keyword}}".' ), placeholders: { moduleName: '$1', statementNumber: '$2', expression: '$3', keyword: '$4' } }, '^External id not found; external id = ID \\[type=(.+?), value=(.+?)\\]$': { gettext: gettext('External ID not found for type "{{type}}" and value "{{value}}".'), placeholders: { type: '$1', value: '$2' } }, '^Error occurred when trying to find an Application for id ID (.+) : Could not find application by ID (\\d+)$': { gettext: gettext('Could not find application by ID {{applicationId}}.'), placeholders: { applicationId: '$2' } }, '^Http status code: 404\n{error="options/Not Found",message="Unable to find option by given key: sigfox-agent/provider.token",info="",details="null"}': { gettext: gettext('Unable to find option by given key: sigfox-agent/provider.token') }, '^Failed to delete application. : Cannot remove application assigned to other tenants.$': { gettext: gettext('Could not delete application assigned to other tenants.') }, '^Failed to extract certificate from PKCS12$': { gettext: gettext('Failed to extract certificate from PKCS12.') }, '^Failed to update domain at the platform$': { gettext: gettext('Failed to update domain at the platform.') }, "^Finding device data from database failed : No managedObject for id '(.+?)'!$": { gettext: gettext('Could not find managed object with ID "{{deviceId}}".'), placeholders: { deviceId: '$1' } }, '^Following mandatory fields should be included: (.+?)$': { gettext: gettext('Following mandatory fields should be included: {{fields}}'), placeholders: { fields: '$1' } }, '^Global Role updated$': { gettext: gettext('Global role updated') }, '^Global Role (.+?) updated$': { gettext: gettext('Global role "{{name}}" updated'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Global Role (.+?) updated: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Global role "{{name}}" updated: {{updatesList}}'), placeholders: { name: '$1', updatesList: { capture: '$2', translate: { 'applications \\[([^\\]]+?)\\] added': { gettext: gettext('applications {{list}} added'), placeholders: { list: '$1' } }, 'applications \\[([^\\]]+?)\\] removed': { gettext: gettext('applications {{list}} removed'), placeholders: { list: '$1' } }, 'roles \\[([^\\]]+?)\\] added': { gettext: gettext('roles {{list}} added'), placeholders: { list: '$1' } }, 'roles \\[([^\\]]+?)\\] removed': { gettext: gettext('roles {{list}} removed'), placeholders: { list: '$1' } } } } } }, '^Global Roles$': { gettext: gettext('Global roles') }, '^Operation updated: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Operation updated: {{updatesList}}'), placeholders: { updatesList: { capture: '$1', translate: { "status='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('status="{{status | translate}}"'), placeholders: { status: '$1' } }, "description='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('description="{{description | translate}}"'), placeholders: { description: '$1' } }, "device name='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('device name="{{deviceName}}"'), placeholders: { deviceName: '$1' } }, "failure reason='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('failure reason="{{failureReason | translate}}"'), placeholders: { failureReason: '$1' } } } } } }, '^ID \\[type=(.+?), value=(.+?)\\] was already bound to different Global ID.$': { gettext: gettext('External ID "{{value}}" of the type "{{type}}" already exists.'), placeholders: { type: '$1', value: '$2' } }, '^Invalid credentials! : Bad credentials$': { gettext: gettext('Invalid credentials.') }, '^Invalid credentials! : No phone number provided$': { gettext: gettext('Log into the management tenant first and enter your phone number.') }, '^Inventory Role removed$': { gettext: gettext('Inventory role removed') }, '^Inventory Role (.+?) removed': { gettext: gettext('Inventory role "{{name}}" deleted.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Inventory Role updated$': { gettext: gettext('Inventory role updated') }, '^Inventory Role (.+?) updated': { gettext: gettext('Inventory role "{{name}}" updated.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^I/O error: Connection refused; nested exception is Connection refused : Connection refused': { gettext: gettext('Connection refused') }, '^I/O error: Read timed out; nested exception is Read timed out : Read timed out': { gettext: gettext('Read timed out') }, '^Log file requested$': { gettext: gettext('Log file requested.') }, '^Managed object deleted$': { gettext: gettext('Managed object deleted') }, '^Managed object "(.+?)" deleted$': { gettext: gettext('Managed object "{{name}}" deleted'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Maximum file size exceeded$': { gettext: gettext('Maximum file size exceeded.') }, "^Message with ID (.+?) doesn't exist in smart rest template (.+?)$": { gettext: gettext( 'Message with ID "{{messageId}}" doesn\'t exist in SmartREST template with ID "{{templateId}}"' ), placeholders: { messageId: '$1', templateId: '$2' } }, '^NewDeviceRequest for id = (.+?) already exists.$': { gettext: gettext('Device registration request with ID {{id}} already exists.'), placeholders: { id: '$1' } }, '^No communication with device since (.+?)$': { gettext: gettext('No communication with device since {{timestamp | absoluteDate}}.'), placeholders: { timestamp: '$1' } }, '^No data received from device within required interval.$': { gettext: gettext('No data received from device within required interval.') }, '^No LoRa provider settings are found. Please configure the connectivity settings.$': { gettext: gettext( 'No LoRa provider settings are found. Please configure the connectivity settings.' ) }, '^Not within any context!$': { gettext: gettext('A problem occurred with microservice subscription.') }, '^Maximum age cannot be bigger than 10 years.$': { gettext: gettext('Maximum age cannot be bigger than 10 years.') }, '^Microservice application name incorrect. Please use only lower-case letters, digits and dashes. Maximum length is (\\d+) characters.$': { gettext: gettext( 'Microservice application name is incorrect: only lower case letters, digits and dashes allowed. Maximum length: {{maxLength}}.' ), placeholders: { maxLength: '$1' } }, '^Microservice not available.*$': { gettext: gettext('Microservice is not available.') }, '^Operation created$': { gettext: gettext('Operation created.') }, '^Operation updated$': { gettext: gettext('Operation updated.') }, "^Operation created: status='(.+?)'.": { gettext: gettext('Operation created: status="{{status | translate}}".'), placeholders: { status: '$1' } }, '^Option created$': { gettext: gettext('Option created.') }, '^Option "(.+?)" created$': { gettext: gettext('Option "{{option}}" created.'), placeholders: { option: '$1' } }, '^Option deleted$': { gettext: gettext('Option deleted.') }, '^Option "(.+?)" deleted$': { gettext: gettext('Option "{{option}}" deleted.'), placeholders: { option: '$1' } }, '^Owner field error. : Cannot introduce cyclic dependency.': { gettext: gettext('Could not introduce cyclic ownership dependency.') }, '^Password change is temporary blocked.$': { gettext: gettext('Password change is temporarily blocked.') }, '^Password cipher does not match': { gettext: gettext('Password cipher does not match.') }, '^Platform application cannot be added to, nor removed from any tenant.$': { gettext: gettext('Platform application cannot be added to, nor removed from any tenant.') }, '^Private key must be provided in KEY_PAIR credentials$': { gettext: gettext( 'Private key must be provided when "Public / private keys" option is selected.' ) }, '^Private key cipher does not match': { gettext: gettext('Private key cipher does not match') }, '^Protocol "(.+?)" does not support "(.+?)" credentials type$': { gettext: gettext( 'Protocol "{{protocol}}" does not support "{{credentialsType}}" credentials type.' ), placeholders: { protocol: '$1', credentialsType: '$2' } }, '^pulling image "(.+)"$': { gettext: gettext('Pulling image: "{{imageName}}".'), placeholders: { imageName: '$1' } }, '^Real-time event processing is currently overloaded and may stop processing your events\\. Please contact support\\.$': { gettext: gettext( 'Real-time event processing is currently overloaded and may stop processing your events. Please contact support.' ) }, '^Resource ID \\[type=com_cumulocity_model_idtype_GId, value=(.+?)\\] for this request not found.$': { gettext: gettext('Could not find the resource with ID "{{id}}".'), placeholders: { id: '$1' } }, '^Retrieve configuration snapshot from device (.+?)': { gettext: gettext('Retrieve configuration snapshot from device {{deviceName}}'), placeholders: { deviceName: '$1' } }, '^Retrieve (.+?) configuration snapshot from device (.+?)': { gettext: gettext( 'Retrieve {{configurationType}} configuration snapshot from device {{deviceName}}' ), placeholders: { configurationType: '$1', deviceName: '$2' } }, '^Scaled up replica set (.+) to (\\d+)$': { gettext: gettext('Replica set "{{replicaSetName}}" scaled up to "{{scaleNumber}}".'), placeholders: { replicaSetName: '$1', scaleNumber: '$2' } }, '^Send configuration snapshot (.+?) of configuration type (.+?) to device (.+?)': { gettext: gettext( 'Send configuration snapshot {{snapshotName}} of configuration type {{configurationType}} to device {{deviceName}}' ), placeholders: { snapshotName: '$1', configurationType: '$2', deviceName: '$3' } }, '^Send configuration snapshot (.+?) to device (.+?)': { gettext: gettext('Send configuration snapshot {{snapshotName}} to device {{deviceName}}'), placeholders: { snapshotName: '$1', deviceName: '$2' } }, '^Simulator state is invalid: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Simulator state is invalid: {{violations}}'), placeholders: { violations: { capture: '$1', translate: { '(\\w+?) - may not be null': { gettext: gettext('"{{field}}" should not be null'), placeholders: { field: '$1' } }, '(\\w+?) - must be less than or equal to (\\d+)': { gettext: gettext('"{{field}}" must be less than or equal to {{maxValue}}'), placeholders: { field: '$1', maxValue: '$2' } }, '(\\w+?) - should not contain null values': { gettext: gettext('"{{field}}" should not contain null values'), placeholders: { field: '$1' } } } } } }, "^Smart rest template (.+?) doesn't exist$": { gettext: gettext('SmartREST template with id "{{templateId}}" doesn\'t exist'), placeholders: { templateId: '$1' } }, '^Smart rule created$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule created.') }, '^Smart rule updated$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule updated.') }, '^Smart rule enabled$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule activated.') }, '^Smart rule disabled$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule deactivated.') }, '^Smart rule deleted$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule deleted.') }, '^Smart rule "(.+?)" created$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule "{{name}}" created.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Smart rule "(.+?)" updated$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule "{{name}}" updated.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Smart rule "(.+?)" enabled$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule "{{name}}" activated.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Smart rule "(.+?)" disabled$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule "{{name}}" deactivated.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Smart rule "(.+?)" deleted$': { gettext: gettext('Smart rule "{{name}}" deleted.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Started container$': { gettext: gettext('Container started.') }, '^Successfully assigned (.+) to (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('"{{imageName}}" assigned to "{{address}}".'), placeholders: { imageName: '$1', address: '$2' } }, '^Successfully pulled image "(.+)"$': { gettext: gettext('Image "{{imageName}}" pulled.'), placeholders: { imageName: '$1' } }, '^Tenant creation failed. : Tenant with given id already exists.$': { gettext: gettext('Could not create a tenant. Tenant with given domain/URL already exists.') }, '^Tenant id cannot be a reserved sql keyword "(.+?)".$': { gettext: gettext('Could not use a reserved SQL keyword "{{tenantId}}" as a domain name.'), placeholders: { tenantId: '$1' } }, '^Tenant "(.+?)" activated$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant "{{tenant}}" activated.'), placeholders: { tenant: '$1' } }, '^Tenant (.+?) has sub-tenants, please remove them first!$': { gettext: gettext('Could not remove tenant "{{tenant}}". Remove its subtenants first.'), placeholders: { tenant: '$1' } }, '^Tenant activated$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant activated') }, '^Tenant "(.+?)" created$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant "{{tenant}}" created.'), placeholders: { tenant: '$1' } }, '^Tenant created$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant created') }, '^Tenant "(.+?)" deleted$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant "{{tenant}}" deleted.'), placeholders: { tenant: '$1' } }, '^Tenant deleted$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant deleted') }, '^Tenant "(.+?)" suspended$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant "{{tenant}}" suspended.'), placeholders: { tenant: '$1' } }, '^Tenant suspended$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant suspended') }, '^Tenant "(.+?)" updated: (.+?)$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant "{{tenant}}" updated: {{properties}}.'), placeholders: { tenant: '$1', properties: '$2' } }, '^Tenant updated$': { gettext: gettext('Tenant updated') }, '^Too Many Requests$': { gettext: gettext('Too many requests. Try again later.') }, "^User alias equals username '(.+)'$": { gettext: gettext('Username and login alias must be different.') }, '^User created$': { gettext: gettext('User created') }, '^User (.+?) created$': { gettext: gettext('User "{{name}}" created'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^User deleted$': { gettext: gettext('User deleted') }, '^User (.+?) deleted$': { gettext: gettext('User "{{name}}" deleted'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^User updated$': { gettext: gettext('User updated') }, '^User (.+?) updated: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('User "{{name}}" updated: {{updatesList}}'), placeholders: { name: '$1', updatesList: { capture: '$2', translate: { "delegatedBy='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('delegated by: "{{delegate}}"'), placeholders: { delegate: '$1' } }, "owner='(.+?)'": { gettext: gettext('owner: "{{owner}}"'), placeholders: { owner: '$1' } }, 'inventory assignment \\[(.+?)\\] added': { gettext: gettext('inventory assignment [{{inventoryAssignment}}] added'), placeholders: { inventoryAssignment: '$1' } }, 'inventory assignment \\[(.+?)\\] removed': { gettext: gettext('inventory assignment [{{inventoryAssignment}}] removed'), placeholders: { inventoryAssignment: '$1' } }, 'applications \\[(.+?)\\] added$': { gettext: gettext('applications [{{applicationsList}}] added'), placeholders: { applicationsList: '$1' } }, 'applications \\[(.+?)\\] removed$': { gettext: gettext('applications [{{applicationsList}}] removed'), placeholders: { applicationsList: '$1' } }, 'global roles \\[(.+?)\\] added$': { gettext: gettext('global roles [{{globalRolesList}}] added'), placeholders: { globalRolesList: '$1' } }, 'global roles \\[(.+?)\\] removed$': { gettext: gettext('global roles [{{globalRolesList}}] removed'), placeholders: { globalRolesList: '$1' } } } } } }, "^User with username '(.+?)' already exists! : Duplicated: (.+?)$": { gettext: gettext('User "{{username}}" already exists.'), placeholders: { username: '$1' } }, "^User with username or alias '(.+)' already exists! : Duplicated: (.+)$": { gettext: gettext('User with username or login alias "{{usernameOrAlias}}" already exists.'), placeholders: { usernameOrAlias: '$1' } }, "^User with email '(.+?)' already exists! : Duplicated: (.+?)$": { gettext: gettext('User with email "{{email}}" already exists.'), placeholders: { email: '$1' } }, '^unable to find option with given key (.+?) : Could not find entity Option by ID (.+?)!$': { gettext: gettext('Unable to get tenant option: "{{option}}".'), placeholders: { option: '$2' } }, '^unable to find option with given key (.+?) : There is no system property for key (.+?)$': { gettext: gettext('Unable to get system option: "{{option}}".'), placeholders: { option: '$2' } }, '^Write failed with error code 16733 and error message \'trying to index text where term list is too big, max is 4mb _id: "(.+?)"\'$': { gettext: gettext('The uploaded image cannot be bigger than 4 MB. Please upload a smaller one.') }, '^Write failed with error code 17280 and error message \'WiredTigerIndex::insert: key too large to index, failing (.+?) { : "(.+?)" }\'$': { gettext: gettext('The chosen name is too long. Please try a shorter one.') }, '^You have reached devices limit. No more devices can be registered.$': { gettext: gettext('You reached devices limit. No more devices can be registered.') }, '^(.+) succeeded for volume "(.+)"': { gettext: gettext('Operation "{{operation}}" succeeded for volume "{{volume}}".'), placeholders: { operation: '$1', volume: '$2' } }, "^Exception on tenant (.+) in statement '(.+)': Invocation exception when invoking method '(.+)' of class '(.+)' passing parameters \\[(.+)\\] for statement '(.+)': (.+) : (.+)$": { gettext: gettext( 'Exception on tenant {{tenantId}} in statement "{{moduleName}}": Invocation exception when invoking method "{{methodName}}" of class "{{classPath}}" passing parameters [{{parameters}}] for statement "{{statement}}": {{exceptionType}} : {{exceptionMessage}}.' ), placeholders: { tenantId: '$1', moduleName: '$2', methodName: '$3', classPath: '$4', parameters: '$5', statement: '$6', exceptionType: '$7', exceptionMessage: '$8' } }, '^No nodes are available that match all of the predicates: (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('No nodes are available that match all of the predicates: [{{predicates}}].'), placeholders: { predicates: '$1' } }, '^Readiness probe failed: (.+) (.+): (.+): request canceled while waiting for connection \\(Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers\\)$': { gettext: gettext( 'Readiness probe failed: {{requestMethod}} {{uri}}: {{protocol}}: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers).' ), placeholders: { requestMethod: '$1', uri: '$2', protocol: '$3' } }, '^Liveness probe failed: (.+) (.+): (.+): request canceled while waiting for connection \\(Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers\\)$': { gettext: gettext( 'Liveness probe failed: {{requestMethod}} {{uri}}: {{protocol}}: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers).' ), placeholders: { requestMethod: '$1', uri: '$2', protocol: '$3' } }, '^Error syncing pod$': { gettext: gettext('Pod synchronization error.') }, '^Failed create pod sandbox.$': { gettext: gettext('Pod sandbox creation failed.') }, '^Exception on tenant (.+) in statement \'(.+)\': Http status code: (\\d+) \\{error="alarm/Unprocessable Entity",message="(.+)",info="",details="null"\\}$': { gettext: gettext( 'Exception on tenant {{tenantId}} in statement "{{statement}}": HTTP status code: {{httpStatusCode}} : {{message | translate}}' ), placeholders: { tenantId: '$1', statement: '$2', httpStatusCode: '$3', message: '$4' } }, "^User '(.+)' is managed by a remote identity management service defined by an administrator, direct update is forbidden$": { gettext: gettext( 'User "{{userName}}" is managed by a remote identity management service defined by an administrator, direct update is forbidden.' ), placeholders: { userName: '$1' } }, '^Added new child device to "(.+)" \\(ID: (.+)\\).$': { gettext: gettext('Added new child device to "{{parentDeviceName}}" (ID: {{parentDeviceId}}).'), placeholders: { parentDeviceName: '$1', parentDeviceId: '$2' } }, '^Updated child device of "(.+)" \\(ID: (.+)\\).$': { gettext: gettext('Updated child device of "{{parentDeviceName}}" (ID: {{parentDeviceId}}).'), placeholders: { parentDeviceName: '$1', parentDeviceId: '$2' } }, '^Added child device "(.+)" \\(ID: (.+)\\).$': { gettext: gettext('Added child device "{{name}}" (ID: {{id}}).'), placeholders: { name: '$1', id: '$2' } }, '^Removed child device "(.+)" \\(ID: (.+)\\).$': { gettext: gettext('Removed child device "{{name}}" (ID: {{id}}).'), placeholders: { name: '$1', id: '$2' } }, '^Change value of "(.+)" to (.+) (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Change value of "{{name}}" to {{value}}{{unit}}.'), placeholders: { name: '$1', value: '$2', unit: '$3' } }, '^Change value of "(.+)" to (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Change value of "{{name}}" to {{value}}.'), placeholders: { name: '$1', value: '$2' } }, '^Change status of "(.+)" to "(.+)".$': { gettext: gettext('Change status of "{{name}}" to "{{label}}".'), placeholders: { name: '$1', label: '$2' } }, '^Send message "(.+)".$': { gettext: gettext('Send message "{{str}}".'), placeholders: { str: '$1' } }, '^Close relay (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Close relay {{number}}.'), placeholders: { number: '$1' } }, '^Open relay (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Open relay {{number}}.'), placeholders: { number: '$1' } }, '^Change trace status to (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Change trace status to {{state | translate}}.'), placeholders: { state: '$1' } }, '^Change relay status to (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Change relay status to {{status | translate}}.'), placeholders: { status: '$1' } }, '^Closing relay (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Closing relay {{number}}.'), placeholders: { number: '$1' } }, '^Opening relay (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Opening relay {{number}}.'), placeholders: { number: '$1' } }, '^Update bulk operation$': { gettext: gettext('Update bulk operation') }, '^Update bulk operation: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Update bulk operation: {{updatesList}}'), placeholders: bulkOperationAuditLogTextPlaceholders }, '^Update firmware to: "?(.+?)"? \\(version: (.+)\\)\\.?$': { gettext: gettext('Update firmware to: "{{ name }}" (version: {{ version }})'), placeholders: { name: '$1', version: '$2' } }, '^Update firmware to: "?(.+?)"?\\.?$': { gettext: gettext('Update firmware to: "{{ name }}"'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Update configuration to (.+).$': { gettext: gettext('Update configuration to: {{ name }}.'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Apply device profile: (.+).?$': { gettext: gettext('Apply device profile: {{ name }}'), placeholders: { name: '$1' } }, '^Execute generic command: (.+).?$': { gettext: gettext('Execute generic command: {{command}}'), placeholders: { command: '$1' } }, '^Failed to refresh application. : Cannot refresh non local-hosted application.$': { gettext: gettext('Could not reactivate the application as it is not hosted locally.') }, '^Failed to refresh application. : Cannot refresh application without active version id.$': { gettext: gettext('Could not reactivate the application as it has no active version.') }, // TODO: remove if we decide not to translate such messages: // '^Killing container with id (.+):Need to kill Pod$': { // gettext: gettext('Killing container with ID "{{containerId}}". Need to kill Pod.'), // placeholders: { // containerId: '$1' // } // }, '^Scaled down replica set (.+) to (\\d+)$': { gettext: gettext('Replica set "{{replicaSetName}}" scaled down to "{{scaleNumber}}".'), placeholders: { replicaSetName: '$1', scaleNumber: '$2' } }, '^Deleted pod: (.+)$': { gettext: gettext('Pod "{{imageName}}" deleted.'), placeholders: { imageName: '$1' } }, '^Container image "(.+)" already present on machine$': { gettext: gettext('Container image "{{imageName}}" already exists.'), placeholders: { imageName: '$1' } }, '^Error updating tenant! Cannot insert second configuration for Password code grant internal/Bad Request$': { gettext: gettext( 'This login mode was already set by another administrator. Refresh the page to update the data.' ) } }


bulkOperationListRoutes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [ { path: 'devicecontrol/bulk', component: BulkOperationsListComponent } ]


Default value : new Map()


Default value : (configure: ConfigureFn, compilerOptions: CompilerOptions = {}) => { const compilerConfig: CompilerOptions = { preserveWhitespaces: false, ...compilerOptions }; const configuredTestBed = TestBed.configureCompiler(compilerConfig); configure(configuredTestBed); return configuredTestBed.compileComponents().then(() => configuredTestBed); }


Default value : new InjectionToken<any>('ContextDashboardConfig')
Type : []
Default value : [ { label: gettext('Light`theme`'), class: 'dashboard-theme-light', description: gettext('The dashboard is styled with a light background and has low contrast.') }, { label: gettext('Dark`theme`'), class: 'dashboard-theme-dark', description: gettext('The dashboard is styled with a dark background and has high contrast.') }, { label: gettext('Transparent`theme`'), class: 'dashboard-theme-transparent', description: gettext( 'The dashboard is styled with a transparent background and therefore is border-less.' ) }, { label: gettext('Branded`theme`'), class: 'dashboard-theme-branded', description: gettext('The dashboard is styled with the main brand color.') } ]
Type : []
Default value : [ { label: gettext('Light`style`'), class: 'panel-content-light', description: gettext('The widget is styled with a light background and has low contrast.') }, { label: gettext('Dark`style`'), class: 'panel-content-dark', description: gettext('The widget is styled with a dark background and has high contrast.') }, { label: gettext('Transparent`style`'), class: 'panel-content-transparent', description: gettext( 'The widget is styled with a transparent background and therefore is border-less.' ) }, { label: gettext('Branded`style`'), class: 'panel-content-branded', description: gettext('The widget is styled with the main brand color.') } ]
Type : []
Default value : [ { label: gettext('Regular`style`'), class: 'panel-title-regular', description: gettext('The widget has no border between header and content.') }, { label: gettext('Border`style`'), class: 'panel-title-border', description: gettext('The widget has a small separation border between header and content.') }, { label: gettext('Overlay`style`'), class: 'panel-title-overlay', description: gettext('The widget content overlays the header.') }, { label: gettext('Hidden`style`'), class: 'panel-title-hidden', description: gettext('The widget header is not shown.') } ]


defaultConfig: object
Type : object
Default value : { allowFullscreen: true, widgetFilter({ data }) { return !(data && data.settings && data.settings.noNewWidgets); }, routes: [ { path: 'dashboard/:dashboardId', component: ContextDashboardComponent, canActivate: [DeviceDashboardGuard], context: ViewContext.Device }, { path: 'dashboard/:dashboardId', component: ContextDashboardComponent, canActivate: [GroupDashboardGuard], context: ViewContext.Group } ] }


deviceAvailabilityIconMap: object
Type : object
Default value : { sendData: { [SendStatus.AVAILABLE]: { icon: 'long-arrow-right', class: 'statusOk' }, [SendStatus.UNAVAILABLE]: { icon: 'long-arrow-right', class: 'statusNok' }, [SendStatus.UNKNOWN]: { icon: 'long-arrow-right', class: 'statusUnknown' }, [SendStatus.NOT_MONITORED]: { icon: 'long-arrow-right', class: 'statusUnknown' } }, push: { [PushStatus.CONNECTED]: { icon: 'long-arrow-left', class: 'statusOk' }, [PushStatus.DISCONNECTED]: { icon: 'long-arrow-left', class: 'statusUnknown' }, [PushStatus.UNKNOWN]: { icon: 'long-arrow-left', class: 'statusUnknown' }, [PushStatus.MAINTENANCE]: { icon: 'wrench', class: 'statusAlert' } }, device: { MAINTENANCE: { icon: 'wrench', class: 'statusAlert' } } }
tooltips: object
Type : object
Default value : { sendStatusConnected: (lastMessage, translateService) => { const date = formatDate(new Date(lastMessage), 'medium', translateService.currentLang); return translateService.instant(gettext('Device last request:\n{{date}}'), { date }); }, sendStatusDisconnected: gettext('Connection not monitored'), pushStatusConnected: gettext('Connection to device established'), pushStatusDisconnected: gettext( 'Connection to device not established (not supported by device or no connectivity)' ), maintenance: gettext('Device is under maintenance') }


deviceProfilesRoutes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [ { path: 'device-profiles/:id', component: DeviceProfileComponent }, { path: 'device-profiles', component: DeviceProfileListComponent } ]
deviceTabProfileRoutes: any[]
Type : any[]
Default value : [ { context: ViewContext.Device, path: 'device-profile', component: DeviceTabProfileComponent, label: gettext('Device profile'), icon: 'c8y-device-profile', canActivate: [DeviceProfileGuard] } ]


deviceProtocolRoutes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [ { path: 'deviceprotocols/opcuaV2/:id', component: OpcuaDeviceProtocolDetailComponent } ]
routes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [ { context: ViewContext.Device, path: 'opcua-servers', component: OpcuaServersComponent, label: gettext('OPC UA server'), icon: 'server', canActivate: [OpcuaAgentGuard, OpcuaMicroserviceGuard] }, { context: ViewContext.Device, path: 'address-space', component: OpcuaAddressSpaceComponent, label: gettext('Address space'), icon: 'sitemap', canActivate: [OpcuaServerGuard, OpcuaMicroserviceGuard] } ]


documentationItems: []
Type : []
Default value : [ { icon: 'c8y-c8y-data', // double c8y- is correct! label: gettext('Concepts guide`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/concepts/introduction', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'c8y-user', label: gettext('User guide`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/users-guide/getting-started', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'c8y-device-management', label: gettext('Device guides`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/devices/overview', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'c8y-book', label: gettext('Cumulocity IoT Edge`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/edge/overview', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'c8y-tools', label: gettext('Microservice SDK guide`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/microservice-sdk/introduction', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'c8y-tools', label: gettext('Device SDK guide`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/device-sdk/introduction', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'c8y-smart-rest', label: gettext('Web SDK guide`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/web/introduction', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'c8y-data-explorer', label: gettext('Streaming analytics guide`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/apama/introduction', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'c8y-bookmark', label: gettext('Reference guide`KEEP_ORIGINAL`'), url: '/reference/rest-implementation', type: 'doc' }, { icon: 'gavel', label: gettext('Legal notices'), url: '', type: 'doc' } ]


Type : number
Default value : 8640000000000000

The range of times supported by ECMAScript Date objects in milliseconds.


Default value : downgradeComponent({ component: ExportSchedulesComponent })


FIELD_TYPES: Array<Type<FieldType>>
Type : Array<Type<FieldType>>
Default value : [ FieldCheckbox, ArrayTypeComponent, WrapperFormField, FieldInput, FieldRadio, ObjectTypeComponent ]


Type : string
Default value : 'c8y_Firmware'
Type : string
Default value : 'c8y_SupportedOperations'


Default value : new InjectionToken('ActionFactory')

A hook to use for Multi Provider extension.


Default value : new InjectionToken('ActionBarFactory')

A hook to add ActionBarItems using the multi provider extension concept.


Default value : new InjectionToken('BreadcrumbFactory')


Default value : new InjectionToken('Hook Dynamic Component @deprecated')

A hook to add dynamic components to the UI (e.g. widgets).

Default value : new InjectionToken('Hook Dynamic Component')

A hook to add dynamic components to the UI (e.g. widgets).


Default value : new InjectionToken<ExtensionFactory<DocLink>>('Hook docs')


Default value : new InjectionToken('Dynamic Provider Config')


Default value : new InjectionToken('NavigatorNodesFactory')

A hook to use for Multi Provider extension.


Default value : new InjectionToken('RouteFactory')

A hook to use for Multi Provider extension.


Default value : new InjectionToken<ExtensionFactory<ApplicationOptions>>('App options')


Default value : new InjectionToken('Pattern Messages')


Default value : new InjectionToken('SearchFactory')

A hook to use for Multi Provider extension.


Default value : new InjectionToken('TabsFactory')


Default value : new InjectionToken('iconList')


Type : []
Default value : [ 'home', 'th', 'bar-chart-o', 'tasks', 'tachometer', 'bell', 'puzzle-piece', 'map-marker', 'location-arrow', 'globe', 'power-off', 'desktop', 'laptop', 'mobile', 'signal', 'qrcode', 'file', 'file-text', 'folder', 'folder-open', 'archive', 'hdd-o', 'book', 'bookmark', 'tag', 'flag', 'search', 'heart', 'star', 'bolt', 'rocket', 'cog', 'cogs', 'wrench', 'ban', 'user', 'users', 'sign-in', 'sign-out', 'upload', 'download', 'cloud-upload', 'cloud-download', 'cloud', 'spinner', 'refresh', 'repeat', 'undo', 'lock', 'unlock', 'info', 'question', 'exclamation', 'bug', 'calendar', 'random', 'asterisk', 'key', 'link', 'chain-broken', 'external-link', 'picture-o', 'comment', 'bullhorn', 'phone', 'lightbulb-o', 'flask', 'sitemap', 'exchange', 'code-fork', 'keyboard-o', 'terminal', 'code', 'clipboard', 'pencil', 'envelope', 'inbox', 'reply', 'share', 'thumbs-up', 'thumbs-down', 'check', 'plus', 'expand', 'compress', 'arrows', 'arrow-up', 'arrow-down', 'arrow-left', 'arrow-right', 'th-list', 'bars', 'table', 'columns', 'filter', 'sort', 'sort-up', 'sort-down', 'ellipsis-h', 'ellipsis-v', 'rss', 'apple', 'windows', 'android', 'linux' ]


Default value : new InjectionToken('Languages')


Default value : new InjectionToken('Locale path')


MESSAGES: object
Type : object
Default value : { '^Sender name$': { gettext: gettext('Sender name') }, '^Sender name used for sent SMS$': { gettext: gettext('Sender name used for sent SMS') }, '^Sender address$': { gettext: gettext('Sender address') }, '^Sender address used for sent SMS$': { gettext: gettext('Sender address used for sent SMS') }, '^Username$': { gettext: gettext('Username') }, '^Password$': { gettext: gettext('Password') }, '^Licence key$': { gettext: gettext('License key') }, '^Key$': { gettext: gettext('Key') }, '^API base URL$': { gettext: gettext('API base URL') }, '^API URL$': { gettext: gettext('API URL') }, '^oauth$': { gettext: gettext('OAuth') }, '^basic$': { gettext: gettext('Basic') }, '^Authentication method$': { gettext: gettext('Authentication method') }, '^Defines which authentication method is used with the provider$': { gettext: gettext('Defines which authentication method is used with the provider') }, '^Static headers$': { gettext: gettext('Static headers') }, '^Static headers that should be added to requests towards the provider$': { gettext: gettext('Static headers that should be added to requests towards the provider') }, '^OAuth token URL$': { gettext: gettext('OAuth token URL') }, '^URL where the OAuth token is requested from (required if OAuth method is chosen)$': { gettext: gettext( 'URL where the OAuth token is requested from (required if OAuth method is chosen)' ) }, '^OAuth toke mime type$': { gettext: gettext('OAuth token mime type') }, '^Overrides the OAuth token response mime type$': { gettext: gettext('Overrides the OAuth token response mime type') }, '^OAuth access toke type$': { gettext: gettext('OAuth access token type') }, '^Overrides the OAuth access token type$': { gettext: gettext('Overrides the OAuth access token type') }, '^Global configuration$': { gettext: gettext('Global configuration') }, '^Enables or disables if the settings may be used globally for all tenants (Only possible in management tenant)$': { gettext: gettext( 'Enables or disables the settings globally for all tenants (only possible in management tenant)' ) }, '^API key$': { gettext: gettext('API key') }, '^Inherit to subtenants$': { gettext: gettext('Inherit to subtenants') }, "^Enables or disables if this tenant's configuration may be inherited to subtenants$": { gettext: gettext( 'Enables or disables the option to inherit the tenant configuration to subtenants' ) }, '^Login$': { gettext: gettext('Login') }, '^Source business unit ID$': { gettext: gettext('Source business unit ID') }, '^Client ID$': { gettext: gettext('Client ID') }, '^Client secret$': { gettext: gettext('Client secret') } }


minColumnGridTrackSize: number
Type : number
Default value : 80
ratiosByColumnTypes: object
Type : object
Default value : { icon: 1, numeric: 1, 'text-short': 1.67, 'text-long': 3.33 }


Default value : () => { let storage = {}; return { getItem: ( key ) => key in storage ? storage[ key ] : null, setItem: (key, value) => storage[ key ] = value || '', removeItem: ( key ) => delete storage[ key ], clear: () => storage = {}, }; }


NAME: string
Type : string
Default value : 'c8y.upgrade'
ng1Modules: []
Type : []
Default value : ['app', NAME]


Default value : downgradeComponent({ component: OpcuaAddressSpaceTreeComponent, inputs: ['moId'], outputs: ['selectedNode'] })


operationStatusClasses: object
Type : object
Default value : { [OperationStatus.PENDING]: 'text-info', [OperationStatus.EXECUTING]: 'text-info', [OperationStatus.SUCCESSFUL]: 'text-success', [OperationStatus.FAILED]: 'text-danger' }
operationStatusIcons: object
Type : object
Default value : { [OperationStatus.PENDING]: 'clock-o', [OperationStatus.EXECUTING]: 'refresh', [OperationStatus.SUCCESSFUL]: 'check-circle', [OperationStatus.FAILED]: 'exclamation-circle' }
statusAlert: object
Type : object
Default value : { [Status.SUCCESS]: `alert-${Status.SUCCESS}`, [Status.WARNING]: `alert-${Status.WARNING}`, [Status.DANGER]: `alert-${Status.DANGER}`, [Status.INFO]: `alert-${Status.INFO}` }
statusClasses: object
Type : object
Default value : { [Status.SUCCESS]: `text-${Status.SUCCESS}`, [Status.WARNING]: `text-${Status.WARNING}`, [Status.DANGER]: `text-${Status.DANGER}`, [Status.INFO]: `text-${Status.INFO}` }
statusIcons: object
Type : object
Default value : { [Status.SUCCESS]: 'check-circle', [Status.WARNING]: 'exclamation-triangle', [Status.DANGER]: 'exclamation-circle', [Status.INFO]: 'info-circle' }


previewImage: string
Type : string
Default value : ''


providers: any[]
Type : any[]
Default value : (Object.keys(services).map((k) => toProvider(services[k])) as any[]) .concat([ { provide: ApiService, useClass: ApiService, deps: [FetchClient] } ])


Default value : downgradeInjectable(ReportsService)


Type : object
Default value : { [RepositoryType.SOFTWARE]: 'c8y_SoftwareBinary', [RepositoryType.FIRMWARE]: 'c8y_FirmwareBinary', [RepositoryType.CONFIGURATION]: 'c8y_ConfigurationDumpBinary' }


rootComponent: object
Type : object
Default value : { template: ` <c8y-bootstrap> <div id="c8y-legacy-view"> <div ng-view ng-if="vm.widthSet && vm.authState.hasAuth"></div> </div> </c8y-bootstrap>`, controller: c8yUiRootController, controllerAs: 'vm' }


routes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [ { path: 'grids/device-grid', component: DeviceGridExampleComponent, canActivate: [DeviceGridExampleGuard] } ]


routes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [ { context: ViewContext.Device, path: 'assign-protocol', component: LoraAssignDeviceProtocolComponent, label: gettext('LPWAN'), icon: 'c8y-device-protocols', canActivate: [LoraAgentGuard] } ]


routes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [ { path: 'devicecontrol', redirectTo: 'devicecontrol/single', pathMatch: 'full' }, { path: 'devicecontrol/bulk/creation/:type', component: BulkOperationsStepperContainerComponent }, { path: 'devicecontrol/single/create-bulk/:operationId', component: BulkOperationFromSingleComponent } ]


routes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [{ path: 'users/new', component: EmptyComponent }, { path: 'tenants/new', component: EmptyComponent }]


Type : object
Default value : { PENDING: gettext('Pending'), EXECUTING: gettext('Executing'), FAILED: gettext('Failed'), SUCCESSFUL: gettext('Successful'), ALL: gettext('All') }
Type : []
Default value : [ { label: SINGLE_OP_STATUS_NAMES.PENDING, iconClass: 'fa fw fa-clock-o text-info', selected: false }, { label: SINGLE_OP_STATUS_NAMES.EXECUTING, iconClass: 'fa fw fa-refresh text-info', selected: false }, { label: SINGLE_OP_STATUS_NAMES.SUCCESSFUL, iconClass: 'fa fw fa-check-circle text-success', selected: false }, { label: SINGLE_OP_STATUS_NAMES.FAILED, iconClass: 'fa fw fa-exclamation-circle text-danger', selected: false } ]


trustedCertificatesRoutes: Route[]
Type : Route[]
Default value : [ { path: 'trusted-certificates', component: TrustedCertificatesComponent } ]


Type : []
Default value : [ { path: '**', component: EmptyComponent} ]

result-matching ""

    No results matching ""